
No Man's Sky would benefit from an in-game civilization system

There are a number of player formed civilizations in NMS, but the game itself doesn’t have any kind of system for forming and joining civilizations. Given the current state of multiplayer, with most players having access to the same universe, now would be a good time to implement such a system. Not entirely a new concept, but some features might include:

  • The ability to form a civilization and recruit other players. Civ names can appear next to players’ gamertags/usernames that are members of a civilization.
  • A governance system where players can create ranks that have different privileges.
  • Players could create custom flags for their civs.
  • Claiming starsystems and planets as part of a civilization.
  • co-ownership and management of bases, settlements, and freighters.

Now a system like this would probably go hand in hand with a major settlement overhaul, as part of the same or separate update. Settlements could act as the hearts of civilizations as players work together to grow, maintain, and defend settlements across their civs. A settlement update might include:

  • More freedom over where a settlement is established, what players can build in a settlement, the layout of settlement specific buildings, and the number of settlements a player (or civ) can own.
  • Settlement requirements like food, water, hazard protection, life support, power, and housing.
  • Implementing the existing farming, mining, power, and cooking mechanics in the game.
  • The ability to establish trade routes via frigates between settlements and bases. Trade routes may need to be defended against pirates from time to time.
  • Settlement building that serve specific functions and can be damaged or destroyed during sentinel attacks.
  • Set up defenses against sentinel attacks.

What do you guys think? Is this an update you’d like to see at some point? Are there any other features you’d want implemented in a civilization update?

submitted by /u/SpiritualBacon
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Do you think Hello Games will ever update the water graphics in NMS?

With all the cool updates we got over the years, this is one thing I keep hearing people put on their wishlist when speculating about the next one. And every time a new update is released and this is not included, I can’t help but be a little disappointed.

I think this is the one thing that’s still pulling NMS back graphically. This is the one thing that is still making the game look inferior to that infamous first trailer, which had better looking water animation. But even if I ignore that, just having a look at water in the current game does not do justice to the rest of the world design. Water sticks out like a sore thumb, it just doesn’t look good.

I’m guessing most people have seen the mods, we know it can be done. I know that this isn’t a gameplay feature, but I still think it would be a fundamental improvement to NMS. Do you think this is as important as I do or not really?

submitted by /u/Zeldiny
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Weekly Bug Report Thread

This thread is followed by Hello Games. Please add your bug reports to this thread. You can also report bugs to Hello Games at the Zendesk. Before reporting a bug be sure you have installed the latest Patch or Hot Fix, information is located on this page. Please include platform and version.

This weekly thread is to help keep bug reports manageable. It is a scheduled weekly thread and not related to any specific release. You do not have to repost bugs to this post if you have already reported them on a previous post.

If you’re requested to send your save file to Hello Games see this post

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Can I create a custom squadron from ships I would be scrapping otherwise?

So here’s what I was thinking. You can hire an NPC to your squadron from any space station for example, right? Now what happens if BEFORE hiring them I buy their ship by swapping it with one of my ships that I would be scrapping otherwise? Will I get THAT ship to join my squadron?

Obviously it depends on the pilot too how well they will do in a fight, but this way I could have a squadron made up of Living Ships or fully equipped Sentinel Interceptors, right? Or, in theory I can claim the Starborn Runner as many times as I want if I’ve finished the expedition, can I just keep selling a Starborn Runner by swapping with them AND hire said pilot equipped with the Starborn Runner now? Can I have a full squadron of them?

I’ll test this out soon with a sentinel that I’d scrap otherwise and get back to you, but if this works I think it is huge, so much potential to create an amazing fight squadron this way!

submitted by /u/Sn00PiG
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