
Don't be a dolt like me. Use your visor when looking for ships and freighters to buy or scrap.

I can’t believe I just discovered this today, 100+ hours in. As I’m sitting in the station waiting for more ships to land so I can scrap them for modules and storage augmentations, I remembered that you can view both class and price of ships (freighters too) through the analysis visor.

I was going up to each pilot to make an offer. Lots of running, lots of interactions.

Don’t be an unroasted peanut like me. Use your analysis visor and look at the ships. Will save lots of steps.

submitted by /u/Inarus06
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Mineral Extraction-is this right?

Mineral Extraction-is this right?

Ok so it’s been a long long time since I last played and I am aware of how mineral extraction and storage can be buggy at times. I was using two base computers one at an electromagnetic site the other at my extraction site. After initial difficulties building and connecting power I remembered that two base computers in proximity of each other can cause difficulties. I now have relocated one base computer to a central position that is approx 200u from each site and deleted the other then built from scratch. I know that it takes a full cycle for materials to appear in silos My silo status is FILLING and my extractors status is EXTRACTING so those seem all good. These things look wrong to me. Time left in cycle is reading 00:00:00 Pipline Network shows no extraction rate and overall storage is 0/ Pipeline status is CAPACITY REACHED

submitted by /u/DANGEROUS_JEZZA
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Adrift: What was the story conclusion exactly?

I finished Adrift last night and usually by the end of the expedition I have some idea what kind of narrative they were trying to tell, but with this one I’m at a loss. I “met” the image of a traveler. I drifted through space, dreaming; I gazed at the stars and felt calm. I go to the final Rendezvous on the Aggressive Sentinel planet and see the crashed ship…. and that’s it? Was there a final dialogue segment I missed maybe? how does the Iron Vulture tie in?

What’s the story takeaway from “Adrift”?

submitted by /u/Pianissimeat
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Cool group, love this

I love when I meet groups like this, or just people in general. It sucks that I can’t chat on console, but I still knew that they were nice people so I wanted to just share that lol I’m the one in white & gold btw. P.S. – I gave them all 50+ …

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New to no man's sky, some Tips pls

Hi, as written in the title i am a new player and the last thing i have done is visiting the Nexus (as Part of the story) and now i am completely free in the vast universe and don’t know what to do. I know there are all these cool things like technology upgrades, new ships, new weapons but it was so overwhelming and i dont know what to do. Pls drop some tips on what i can do to make progress and discover new things because i dont really have a direction i wann follow as of right now

(Sorry for my bad english maybe, I am from germany but I hope you still understand me) Thx

submitted by /u/SadHyena8071
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