
Found a special "thank you" from another Traveller ❤️

I posted coordinates to my garden base I made over a year ago and just now stumbled across a special “thank you” from a Traveller named Fujins Sky. Not sure how I missed it, but if Fujins Sky is reading this, you’re very welcome!


I think most of us share our bases, ships, cool finds, etc., without any expectation of a thank you, but it’s really nice to have something spend the time to show appreciation like this 🙂

(original post to my garden base)

submitted by /u/TheHortence
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I've only hopped galaxies once. Does one to recollect glyphs?

A few years ago I finished a few of the storylines (I’m pretty sure that Atlas and I came to an agreement) and I ended up with all 16 glyphs then. I travelled to the 2nd galaxy, found my ship, then logged off. Haven’t been back to that save since. If I logged in would I have to get 16 new glyphs? Like, I think the symbols are all the same but would I have to collect them again?

submitted by /u/dotplaid
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