NMS HOT POST 2023/09/5

Is Flying a Living Ship preventing me from meeting the Autophage?

I am starting to get a little bit frustrated trying to get Echoes to trigger. I have completed all the prerequisite as far as I know, including the "trace of metal" quest. I was playing for around four hours last night with absolutely no luck at all.

I have seen multiple different "ways" to do this via game magazine websites and on here, but nothing is "solidified" some people say you need a sentinel ship and to pulse in a system until you get hailed, others are saying it doesn't matter what ship you but you have to land on a dissonant planet to trigger it.

I have been warping from dissonant planet for dissonant planet and have absolutely nothing to show for it. is the fact I'm in a living ship having some kind of effect on the triggering of echoes or what someone please help. I want to check out the new features of the game.

any help is greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/mikeol1987
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit



Freighter Spawn Help

I know you need to have 3 in game hours and jump 5x to trigger a space battle. (I have 76hrs) Why won’t one spawn? What are the pre requisites? (E.g. active missions/inactive missions/bugs) I can’t get one to spawn at all. I don’t know what I’m doing…

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