NMS HOT POST 2023/09/12

Greetings fellow Entities, welcome to Autophage Repair and Reclamation Facility, We see increased Pirate activity in the galaxy, and offer service’s to Repair, Paint and Customise your damage Ship. We use many Salvaged parts, so the price will be satisfying. We look forward to serving you soon.


My Favorite Ship

This little shuttle here has been my favorite ship ever since I got it around when I first started playing NMS. I named it BB-8. I’ve been working with my hands ever since I was a kid. So, when my buddy pointed out that it looked like a Dewalt ba…

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Freighter Spawn Help

I know you need to have 3 in game hours and jump 5x to trigger a space battle. (I have 76hrs) Why won’t one spawn? What are the pre requisites? (E.g. active missions/inactive missions/bugs) I can’t get one to spawn at all. I don’t know what I’m doing…

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