NMS HOT POST 2023/10/4

We’re 11 Expeditions in Now. Hot Take: Most of Them Haven’t Been Fun.

I think the most interesting / fun expeditions are the ones that don't just devolve into glorified scavenger hunts. This expedition in particular has been the most egregious example of them all, even moreso than the xenobiology (or was it exobiology?). I gave up shortly after the first milestone and resorted to guides because 2/3 of the milestones after that require landing on every random planet you come across and hoping you find something.

And even those guides just boil down to "find a portal, enter these coordinates." Really engaging gameplay, lemme tell ya. Sorry I don't have 100 hours over 6 weeks to find everything on my own Hello Games, but don't worry, with every expedition I'm slightly less inclined to come back for the next expedition or touch my main save…

submitted by /u/boxsmith91
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


Small UI Things That Annoy A Little (... and are easily fixed tbh)

I love No Man’s Sky, been so addicted to it – buuut there are certain small UI things where the game is clearly trying tooo… “be fancy”, let’s call it, but actually just makes simple things feel a bit more cumbersome than they in reality are.

Like when you enter a system and get those black bars that you have to manually make go away faster… which is pretty silly when you drop right into a space battle, Dreadnought battle, what have you – dude, it’s a space battle, stop that please.

Or when you have a waypoint on the galaxy map (maybe previously marked in your Discoveries tab because you’re trying to get an S-Class Capital Ship from a specific system… or so) that your ship can get to in a single jump… buuut the game UI still makes the navigation take you across a web of in between systems for no reason.

Or in general that the galaxy map UI is totally and entirely unresponsive until the game is done doing its dramatic whoosh and zoom camera motion – again, for no real reason.

Or how you can use a Chart in space or on a Station and it’ll immediately show you what you found… buuut down on a planet surface you have to wait for the radary scanny wave to travel dramatically before it actually tells you what it is you found, let alone where.

If me being wordy here gives off the impression I’m upset – I am not! Just being descriptive! As I said, these are little things – and I’m just suggesting… eyyy, Hello Games, I know you want stuff to “feel fancy”, but c’mooon – not when it’s impractical, eh? : P

submitted by /u/Anvanaar
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I love the new added depth to standing, frigates and trading!

I know the space stations and ship building are the highlights and everyone is talking about them, but I just wanted to share my love for some features that I seriously appreciate but aren’t really talked about:

First, I’ve always complained about the standing system being completely pointless. Even when Outlaws came out and gave us the ability to reset our standing, I kept thinking there was no point for it, apart from like one mission being locked off, it genuinely felt like the numbers you saw in your catalogue were completely detached from the actual gameplay. So I’m finally overjoyed that it has a genuine purpose now with discounts! Prices in station shops reflect your standing with the race and it tells you by how much! It’s a start I’d say, but a really impactful one too!

The guild now also has a physical presence and no longer feels like some imaginary concept that was also entirely detached from the game and only existed as a number in your catalogue. Now they’re actually in the game (I still haven’t figured out what determines which one of the 3 appear in stations) and raising standing with them is actually really encouraging since they give you some really useful items either for free or at a discount. Increasing standing with them is also much easier now with the new donation mechanic rather than doing missions.

Next, the frigate expeditions once again always felt like an imaginary thing; you sent them out on expeditions, waited a few hours, and they’d say what happened and you had to pretend it was true while they gave you the loot. Now there’s an actual consequence that you get to be involved in. Instead of the whole thing being a passive money making thing, they occasionally ask you for advice or help protect them from enemies. One time I was asked to warp to their location and land on a frigate so I could read a message they found and they asked me what to do… turns out the language I knew directly affected how much of the text was readable and I could make an informed decision, so knowing the language has more meaning as well!

And lastly, the trading. It was something I knew existed but 100% ignored. But now the economy scanner has a new function where you can choose to detect economy surges and it’ll tell you which system to invest what in, and it’s on a timer so it’s like a little mini game to get rich. Trading is actually kinda fun now that there’s an actual guided mechanic around it.

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What do you think is next for NMS?

With Light No Fire on the horizon, a repeatedly huge game that will probably get a lot of content updates like NMS has, what do you think will come next for NMS?

Of course, my worry is that they will phase out continued support. But, they have added so much at this point that maybe ceasing continued development will be forgiven. We don’t know when the next game is coming out. Maybe we will see a huge final content update with a gameplay overhaul. Something like fully customizable and buildable ships and freighters, a more in-depth reputation system with the ability to engage in combat with NPC’s, on-foot pirate combat, and world’s with multiple biomes.

Then again, maybe the engine just can’t do these things, so perhaps they will eventually come out with a proper sequel?

I don’t know. But what would you folks like to see from NMS or what do you think Hello Games will add moving forward?

submitted by /u/AcidCatfish___
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I've only hopped galaxies once. Does one to recollect glyphs?

A few years ago I finished a few of the storylines (I’m pretty sure that Atlas and I came to an agreement) and I ended up with all 16 glyphs then. I travelled to the 2nd galaxy, found my ship, then logged off. Haven’t been back to that save since. If I logged in would I have to get 16 new glyphs? Like, I think the symbols are all the same but would I have to collect them again?

submitted by /u/dotplaid
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