NMS HOT POST 2024/01/11

Can’t help but to notice the similarities between the Beyond Teaser and the 2024 Teaser … My Thoughts

Can't help but to notice the similarities between the Beyond Teaser and the 2024 Teaser ... My Thoughts

The 2024 Teaser and Beyond Teaser are very similar. Both feature the exact same music, the exact same kind of zooming out (one in the new space stations, and one at the time the new Anomaly)

I cannot help but think that this year will be different for NMS and that they are going to pass up on the small updates, and release something huge and significant this summer.

The space stations were leaked almost a year ago, and were almost complete, except for the interior. I doubt that it took another whole year to design the interiors. My guess is there is a lot more to the update than just new space stations … I'm thinking a revamp of the whole game, with a whole new significant story.

I think the updates over the past few years are building up to something significant. With all of the combat, pirates, new sentinels, autophage, dissonant worlds, the void mother lore, pirate dreadnought, and the known new space stations, I think there will be a huge new story to tie everyrhing together.

I really hope this is the case, as I would love an update that gives me a reason to play for a long period of time, possibly start a new game … rather than these smaller updates that keep me occupied for a week or so.

Expeditions would continue to be added to help keep us busy, but let's hope for something amazing and huge in the summer!!!

submitted by /u/joedotts
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


I really wish they would dedicated the next update to bug fixes and patches because what good is con...

I came back after 5 years because I got excited seeing all of the content they had. After 2 days…. I’ve fell through my freighter to my death in space, running into walls that aren’t even there, friends walking through my freighter walls, my starship completely disappeared from my list (lost the starship, inventory, and all of my s class upgrades, also a unique the Crystal Wing), friends can land on my freighter but can’t see me. Game shows that my brother is currently hosting multi-player but he is asleep and clearly isn’t, i found a broken s class sentinel ship but couldnt interact with it and could walk through it like it wasnt there (i actually reloaded my autosave and was able to get the ship WITHOUT repairing it, was just automatically added to my list and when i clicked transfer my items, my ship just disappeared like houdini. I am EXTREMELY thankful they give all of these updates for free but what good is additional content if it’s so buggy you can’t enjoy it? I wish they would focus more on performance for once instead of content. I feel like it’s the equivalent of focusing on graphics rather than gameplay. They are focusing on content rather than performance it seems.

I play on pc with a ryzen 7 5800k and 24gb ram and a Gtx 1050 on the lowest settings nearly (i know its a super old card, just dont have funds to get a new one) and still get 10fps on planets and 25fps if I’m in space. At first I thought it was my pc but then my 2 friends whom use xbox one and ps4 have similar issues. They couldn’t explore my freighter because of invisible walls blocking them. I’ve also had my starship dock in the same spot as my friends so the were clipping through eachother. I freaking love this game but I’m so destroyed inside because it’s almost unplayable. I don’t mind bugs, I actually expect them, no game is perfect but when game breaking bugs occur, then that’s when I have an issue.

To anyone who plays on permadeath, mad respect because I died by falling through the floor of my freighter. If I was playing permadeath, I would have broken my keyboard and punched a hole through my monitor.

Sorry about the rant. I really REALLY love this game but it’s borderline unplayable because I keep losing stuff and can’t get it back. Yes I have also had to reload autosaves just so I don’t lose stuff but it’s hard to tell when a bug will occur.

submitted by /u/nunhappy
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Curious, what is your best ship ?

I’ve seen a lot of ships in NMS, tore about 20 of them apart at a space station, and have a freighter full of interceptors from different galaxy’s. Would you all be so kind as to show us all your most unique ship ? Even if everyone has seen it before, and you think it’s cool, post it, please. I’d like to see the variations of ships if I could. Here is a small 20-second GIF video of my main interceptor.

submitted by /u/Solid_District_4660
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It's okay to not like 4.0.

I’m not usually one to write down my grievances with video games, but the release of 4.0 was so disappointing I feel I need to get up on my soapbox and give my opinion, especially since others are telling those of us against the 4.0 update that how we feel is an overreaction.

I installed NMS when it was added to game pass, and since then I’ve gotten 500+ hours under my belt as an interloper. I’ve learned the ins and outs of this game. I’ve hunted for my perfect ship, spent hours reloading for an elusive S-Class freighter, and figured out adjacency bonuses to really unlock my gear’s full potential. Every update I’ve played has had me singing praise for NMS, and 4.0 sounded like it would be no different. It promised a streamlined UI, higher level caps, and major QoL changes. After playing it I feel lied to. 4.0 did not feel like the step forward it was supposed to be. Instead, it was more like three big steps back.

The new inventory system completely ruined the gear I spent so long finding, leveling, and perfecting. Over 2/3 of my tech upgrades were removed from my gear, upgrades I spent hours hunting for down in the depths of derelict freighters and across the galaxies space stations were rendered completely useless. I’ve seen people saying that we didn’t need our maxed out gear, and that this change wasn’t a big deal, and maybe they’re partly right. We didn’t need maxed gear, but we wanted it, so we put in the extra time and effort to level up our gear and perfect it and make it ours. Now it’s all gone, and the time and effort we spent is wasted.

To add insult to injury, the new UI makes it harder to try and salvage what I can from my equipment. It feels like a total downgrade from the legacy UI. The inventory tabs were cleaner, felt much better to use, and moving stuff around in them was efficient and easy. The new one-page inventory feels claustrophobic, and the page scrolls too fast on console to move anything around effectively. It’s been a pain in the ass to try and fix my stuff with this new “streamlined” UI, and I’m wishing I could switch it back.

This update broke my heart. I’ve loved playing this game, exploring its vast galaxies on my quest through the cosmos and leaving my small mark on the wonderful worlds I’ve visited, but I feel like I cant play the game in its current state. I sincerely hope Hello Games will do what they can to try and fix this, and in the future think about both new and old players when making updates.

As a final word, if you aren’t happy with 4.0, please don’t use it as an excuse to be rude to or harass the NMS devs. If you are messaging them, remember that they are real people with real feelings. With that being said, I’m done here.

Phoenix out.

submitted by /u/BluePhoenix3579
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Looking to get sandworm as a pet

Hi! Just like the title says, I am looking for a sandworm to tame. I am aware that having a pet sandworm was made possible through a quest, and I’m wondering if anyone has a spare sandworm egg they’d be willing to part with (if that is a thing since I have no idea if your pet sandworm can have gestation induced). I’d be happy to compensate you for it – I can offer valuable in-game items in exchange.
Thank you!

submitted by /u/ianajhn
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Freighter Spawn Help

I know you need to have 3 in game hours and jump 5x to trigger a space battle. (I have 76hrs) Why won’t one spawn? What are the pre requisites? (E.g. active missions/inactive missions/bugs) I can’t get one to spawn at all. I don’t know what I’m doing…

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