NMS HOT POST 2024/02/11

Things I’d like to see added to NMS:

1) Freighter piloting, use in battles, etc.

2) ability to trade starships with other users

3) a “common goods” storage safe. Where anyone who interacts with it can use what’s inside or store items inside, like a community safe specific to each base. Would be a neat feature to leave behind gifts for visitors or have visitors “sign a log” that they visited essentially.

4) intergalactic Easter egg hunts. Puzzle driven, super rare rewards (I’m thinking like living freighter type of thing).

5) more uses for units. No reason to accumulate billions with nothing to spend it on. Purchasing creative base blueprints from other users would be a good start (understanding terrain complexities would play a role, but could be navigated).

6) pirate fighting. You can be chased in space, and land on a planet and they just leave. Would be kinda neat if they followed you to the ground and exchanged in user combat. Would also make a cool addition for anomaly missions with other players “raiding bases” for example can happen on the ground with first person combat

What are your list of desired additions?

submitted by /u/Key-Active-8170
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit



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