NMS HOT POST 2024/04/11

PSA: 135k DPS is the highest damage a Fighter Ship can attain under “Normal” enemy strength

PSA: 135k DPS is the highest damage a Fighter Ship can attain under “Normal” enemy strength

A player posts a screenshot of their setup wondering if they have good stats, damage, etc. and another user posts a picture in response with absolutely huge damage numbers. They say something like “That’s nothing, check this out” … but what they aren’t saying is either “I play on easy mode and my enemy strength is set to Weak” or “I save edit ships but let’s pretend this mediocre setup with only S class upgrades gets ridiculous damage and isn’t save edited.” We see this too often on Reddit. Losers who try to deceive new players with inflated numbers for the purpose of ego farming.

135k DPS is the max limit for a perfect fighter with 4 squared SC layout on “Normal” enemy strength (and Fighters have the highest damage stats). Anything above 135k is on a “Weak” combat setting or save edited ……. or is a living ship with sentinel tech inside (which can be done by vanilla players and does legitimately get stupid high damage from 500k to 1+million DPS; that’s a special case and obvious to spot though)

With a save editor like nomnom or goatfungus, while you can’t change the stats for upgrades, you can change the base stats for any ship or multitool to whatever you want. That is how people like the one who posted the above photo attempt to trick new players and produce an awe-like “How did you get that?” response … they will almost never tell you the truth because admitting to inflating their numbers with a few key strokes or showing a save edited ship with 12 million DPS just annoys vanilla players. They don’t want annoyance, they want your envy and attention so they make their stats just out of the normal player’s reach, post a screenshot for bait ,and sit back to fish for pleasing reactions. They’re not amazing and they didn’t find some Holy Grail ship. They just use software that someone actually amazing created.

Don’t believe me? Challenge them to where they got their ship. If it’s the real deal then you can reproduce their amazing luck and success by picking up the same ship and upgrading it yourself. “I don’t remember and was too busy to write down the location” No 😆

submitted by /u/Arcane_Traveller
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


How not to die after the capital ship battles

Just read a few threads where several people didn’t seem to know this, so thought I would mention it.

Problem: after destroying the pirate dreadnought in the capital ship battle and right as you make your approach on the civilian ship, the game says the enemy freighter is still alive. This leads to one of these: 1. Not being able to enter the capital ship 2. Not being permitted to finish entry and being trapped midway, causing player to collide repeatedly with the capital ship and likely die 3. Forcing the player into an endless pirate battle with seemingly no way to end it, except by abandoning the capital ship.

Why this is happening: once the enemy dreadnought is destroyed, you are able to communicate with each of the frigates surrounding it that were previously firing missiles. You can purchase them or leave them be. Once you are a certain distance away from them, the game reevaluates them as enemies and resumes the fight. Story-wise, I like to think of this like a last stand since you wouldn’t hire them.

Solution: once you have purchased the pirate frigates you want, kill all the rest before leaving. This will not upset the sentinels or civilians, nor will it decrease your pirate reputation. Then head to the capital ship and note that the battle is over.

Note: if the battle resumes, you missed one.

submitted by /u/ozozznozzy
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Freighter Spawn Help

I know you need to have 3 in game hours and jump 5x to trigger a space battle. (I have 76hrs) Why won’t one spawn? What are the pre requisites? (E.g. active missions/inactive missions/bugs) I can’t get one to spawn at all. I don’t know what I’m doing…

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