NMS HOT POST 2019/09/17

:/ just died in permadeath after 6 hours

So after surviving the start planet I thought I had permadeath in the bag. First planet was a nightmare survived by the skin of my exosuit.

Been hopping through the galaxy hitting up the nexus and teleporting to random bases to see if they can knock some time off the trip. This is when I hop to a base on a floating island, unbeknownst to me. I look out the base window and see a npc building so I go to check it out. It looks like the base is on a cliff side so I jump off and land without trouble and check out the building below. Coming out of the building I notice the base is on a floating island and not a cliff. Ship had no fuel so couldn't summon it. Having about 1.5 seconds of jetpack boost I try to boost to the vertical face so I can coast up. It worked all the way to the top and cut out before I could get footing plunging me to my bitter end.

Having full health and shield did not stop me from dying a humiliating death in a tropical paradise.

I couldn't believe after surviving those first toughest minutes of the game that I was taken out by falling off a floating island. RIP brave traveler, may your skeletal remains haunt that base for all of eternity.

submitted by /u/Brigadius
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


Reactor Mods on Derelicts

Reactor Mods on Derelicts

The first time I ran this Derelict Freighter it gave me a C Class Reactor for a starship.

Yes, apparently, Derelicts now do this.

Given the fixed nature of the tech on Derelicts, you’d expect this to correlate the also, right?

No, on this run I discovered the Derelict was in actual fact a B Class.

Derelicts can give Reactors of any Class, don’t get fooled by this please 🙏😊

submitted by /u/PSN-RoadkillRabbit
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