
Nearly 100 panoramic images from 6-1/2 years of playing No Man's Sky

Nearly 100 panoramic images from 6-1/2 years of playing No Man's Sky

Under the Rings (Frontiers)

I started with No Man’s Sky in 2016 when it launched on Steam and I was immediately captivated by how beautiful it was. But as an amateur photographer who does a lot of panoramic photography, it also occurred to me how well suited the game was to the same treatment. The result is my Flickr album with nearly 100 panoramic images from the 6-1/2 years I’ve been playing. (Posted as a Flickr Album because of sheer quantity, and because Reddit doesn’t lend itself to wide-aspect photos).

I started creating panoramic images from the game that first week. It was a lot harder in the early days: there was no photo mode so things kept moving while you shot each frame, you couldn’t disable the scan lines or vignetting, you couldn’t adjust the lighting or time of day, and placing your ship precisely was next to impossible. It’s gotten a lot easier over the years.

Most of the images are stitched together from between 20 and 30 individual frames, and then cropped to frame. Most end up between about 5 and 6k wide.

I’ve been doing it off and on. Most of my panos are from NEXT and earlier, and then from Prisms and beyond (I took a pause form the game between Visions and Origins, so there are gaps). And I have a number of sequences that I never got around to assembling.

Land Snakes (Atlas Rises)

Big, Boxy, and Beautiful (Release)

submitted by /u/SkySchemer
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Cooking needs an upgrade

I’ve been playing Breath of the Wild lately (maybe I’ll actually finish it this time) and noticing how much more rewarding it is to gather ingredients and experiment with different recipes for cooking. The buffs you get just make it so much more worth the effort. In No Man’s Sky, out of hundreds of recipes, there are only really a handful of “buffs”. Most of them just replenish small amounts of hazard protection or life support, something which you can do easily and with better results without cooking. And don’t even get me started on how ridiculous Cronus is.

It’s clear that Hello Games put a lot of work into this feature so I think a proper upgrade to make it more worthwhile is in order. Here are some examples of various temporary buffs that can be added to cooking recipes:

Immunity to various hazards, with different recipes for each hazard type and varying durations.

Reduce the rate of stamina, hazard protection, jetpack, or life support depletion

Sentinels ignore you

predators ignore you

Increase mining beam yields

Increase total health/shield

Increase the chance of rare fauna spawning when dropped on the ground

Increase movement speed

Add your ideas in the comments

In addition to new buffs from consuming recipes and feeding fauna, we should be able to grow edible plants and raise noncompanion livestock in our bases. Some recipes might be a bit OP if we can just grow the ingredients so they might require rare ingredients that we need to go hunting for or take a high risk to obtain. But in general, adding new buffs and letting us grow more ingredients would, in my opinion, make cooking a more worthwhile endeavor in No Man’s Sky. What do you guys think?

submitted by /u/SpiritualBacon
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Weekly Bug Report Thread

This thread is followed by Hello Games. Please add your bug reports to this thread. You can also report bugs to Hello Games at the Zendesk. Before reporting a bug be sure you have installed the latest Patch or Hot Fix, information is located on this page. Please include platform and version.

This weekly thread is to help keep bug reports manageable. It is a scheduled weekly thread and not related to any specific release. You do not have to repost bugs to this post if you have already reported them on a previous post.

If you’re requested to send your save file to Hello Games see this post

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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It's just me who thinks travel between Galaxies is overly punitive and tiresome

It's just me who thinks travel between Galaxies is overly punitive and tiresome


Just clarifying, I know the drill. Go to a Portal, and travel to the closest planet to the core. Swap to a ship and multi-tool used only “to break” by the jumping. Remove all the exosuit upgrades then head to the core and jump. Wait for all the jump animation to finish. When you arrive, build a base in the new galaxy, fix the ship to allow it to fly, find another portal, activate the glyphs, and repeat the process.

If you want to have access to all galaxies without depending on anyone you will need to do it at least 255 times! And even though the steps above reduce the cost of the trip, you still need to spend fixing the ship, activating portals, warp cells and building a base. Also unless you do all 255 galaxies in one run, which can take hours, you will need to remove and return your upgrades every time you stop and restart this process. I have more than 40 upgrades in my exosuit tech storage. Because they are already optimised to use the supercharged slots, I need to move these upgrades in a way to keep them in the same slot when I return them, which is very time-consuming in not a good way.

Another issue is that in the end, you will have your base list so cluttered with bases to access galaxies in your terminal, that will make it a nightmare to find the base you need, given the teleporter has no sorting or search options.

It doesn’t make sense to me. I mean it is a game in which the main focus is “exploration“, what is the point of making it so hard and annoying to explore other galaxies?

What I am asking is simple, the possibility to travel to any galaxy without someone’s help or the need to catalogue all galaxies.

There are many ways that it could be done. Here is one example that could be made without changing the current mechanic too much:

In this idea Atlas Station is connected to one and only one of the 255 Galaxies. So we need at least 256 Atlas Stations in each Galaxy. The community will have the role of identifying which A.S. is linked to each galaxy. My point to suggest using the Atlas Stations is because they are a cool feature that, after the “Atlas Path” mission, become kind of useless, a glorified Iteration Helios, also I think it makes some sense in the game’s lore.

My suggestion:

  • The player travels to the Atlas Station linked to the galaxy he/she wants to go.
  • In exchange for something (maybe a Heart of the Sun, to give some use to these bunch of blueprints we get during Atlas Path), you get a token for the Galaxy you are going from the Atlas Station.
  • You keep that token in the exosuit or ship inventory.
  • Then the process is the same as the current mechanic. You head to the core and jump, things still break, but instead, it takes you to the next galaxy, it will take you to the token’s galaxy.
  • After the jump token is consumed and removed from your inventory.
  • If you are not carrying any token, it will take you to the next galaxy as it is currently.
  • If you are carrying more than one token, the priority will be the one in the top leftmost slot of the Exosuit.


  • Give the player the freedom to fly to any galaxy, any time.
  • Don’t change the current mechanic, just add a new feature.
  • Avoid unnecessary bases cluttering in the teleporter.
  • It is way cheaper than the current mechanic, once you don’t have to jump to each galaxy to get the one you want.


  • It is less but still annoying, moving upgrades, fixing things, etc.
  • If you want to visit all the galaxies, that solution doesn’t help.

There are other solutions that could make things even easier, like using the Atlas Stations as a portal in itself, nothing breaks, etc. But I think it’s good not to make things too easy either, just not as punishing as today.

I hope HG address that one day.

submitted by /u/Cristiano7676
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