
Therapy. Thanks Sean and the Hello Games team.

(Short story) Being the father and the full time carer of a child that has Autism and ADHD, it’s none stop.. morning until night. But when that beautiful, hard work little fella is tucked up in bed, the chores get done then it’s time to grab a beer and head out into the unknown. Be it a new galaxy, system or planet.. who knows where I will end up. All I know is after I’m done.. I’m ready for the next day, the next adventure with my wonderful little boy. Thanks 👍

submitted by /u/Matt-Daws
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NEXT PATCH 1.55 | 日本語パッチノート

BUG FIXES UIのメモリリークを修正しました。 貨物船との衝突を修正 特定の惑星に影響を与えたクラッシュを修正 借用されたExocraftでレーストラックを作成中に発生する可能性のあるクラッシュを修正しました 全体的な安定性を向上させるためのテクスチャメモリ使用量の削減 プレイヤーがThe Purgeミッションで立ち往生する問題を修正しました ゴースト・オブ・ザ・マシーンのミッションでプレイヤーが詰まってしまう問題を修正しました。 マインド・アークで復帰している間にプレイヤーが間違ったミッションを受け取る問…

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First Timer, Started off on a Blazing Hot Planet

Is it normal to start off on a planet that is incredibly hot? I swear I had literal seconds to spare figuring out where to find the sodium I needed to keep myself alive. So, I didn’t die, that much is good. I traded with one bird/reptile dude eventually. Named a few crazy lookin beasts. One looked like a beaver and a ground mole had a gigantic child (two big beaver-looking tails and the finger-star mole nose on a pretty basic quadruped body). Another looked like a stegosaurus and an iguana had a baby. Got my spaceship up and running by some miracle and harvested a ton of Na+ just so I wasn’t on edge walking around. Explored a few wreckages and tower thingies. Found a distress signal and a bunch of broken stuff on the ship where the alien died. I left most of it. Had no idea where to find most of the resources to fix it all. And now finally I am on the next planet over. A big toxic fungal ball. This game is weird. I think I like it though.

submitted by /u/Daskar248
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