NMS HOT POST 2021/09/24

Beware: other players CAN take over your settlement

So there seems to be some loophole whereby other players are able to take your settlement.

I became overseer of one on the galactic hub capital the day the update released. I spent quite a lot of time building it up, but when I started playing the other day I could no longer access the terminal and it said that the settlement was owned and renamed by another player.

I presume the other player was able to become overseer offline and then when they logged on to servers my overseer status was overwritten. I hope the devs are aware of this as it’s a pretty big flaw in the frontiers update. I doubt I’ll be able to get it back as even when I play offline I can’t access the terminal now.

Please upvote so the devs know about this and can patch it.

submitted by /u/Decolocx
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


Ocean base

Love to listen to music and build, still working on things but wanted to share. The lighthouse works too, please stop by and explore. I also have a little runaway mold base in the same system but on a different planet. submitted by …

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How many bases do you have? Really though?

I have developed the habit of constantly building bases on any planet that interests me, even a little bit. I almost never return to most of them, except to avoid lengthy travel or to harvest a resource when I can’t find enough in trade. I think I have twenty-five or more bases now. Should I delete them and try to just keep one base? How many bases do you have and/or use regularly? Edit: autocorrect

submitted by /u/oblex1312
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