
Nada is the Void Mother

I finally finished the expedition.

Did anyone else talk to Nada before visiting the Atlas each time?

She…. Says some rather condemning statements.

How each iteration is still running…

How she hears and sees their pain… How she shielded herself in the Anomaly…

She’s Korvax.

She’s from one of the original iterations.

She’s shielded in an orb. That looks quite similar to what everyone is calling an ejected core in the dissonant camps. Even the bar that spins across the edge is on the crash site object.

I think these camps are repeating the destruction of Prime. Echos of the past are never lost.

Nada is resurrecting Prime. It’s in the back room! She’s gathering souls and using us to build the bodies!

She never leaves, because she is the Void Mother. Or at least one iteration.

When you exit your iteration, are you deleted from the rest? NO.

Is the Nada we talk to literally the Void Mother? NO. Her other iterations are.

Think of Rick and Morty and the council of ricks. There must be a council of Nada that stayed.

Our Nada is aware, and waiting for us to figure it out (maybe).

Or our Nada is the biggest liar in the game.

How do they have the ability to hack any terminal remotely?

How do they know precisely where an issue is for you to overcome?

How do they KNOW?

“She sees through their eyes”

Nada says a lot of semi random crap until you view it through this lense…

submitted by /u/BenRandomNameHere
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I think NMS is overdoing random ships

Don’t get me wrong – seeing action and life in certain places is great – but it is way too frequent and more importantly, it seems way too random. You discover an uncivilized planet at the edge of the system with a few relics from another era. You want to build your base and discover what is there, but every 2 minutes some spaceships fly around close to the surface… doing what exactly?

I would love it if planets and systems had more meaningful parameters for population/traffic density (for example, there is a huge trading platform, so more ships are flying around). But I also like to discover planets that have not been discovered, where you can have your own “edge of the universe” feeling. It is the same with the frequency of pirate ships or massive freighter spawns when you are in outer space…

it feels like the developers were afraid that the game would feel too empty and as a response just let everything randomly spawn everywhere all the time… Perhaps others like this, but for me, it is killing the immersion

submitted by /u/Darth-D2
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First post! Hello travelers! I have a question about a bug.

Before I make a bug report, I just wanted to find out if this is actually a bug or if I’m doing something wrong.

I have a couple of currents quests that are, presumably, directing me to a specific location on a planet. I will travel there by aiming at the quest icon and using the pulse engine.

However, before I even reach the planet, the quest icon will disappear. I land on the planet, expecting to then be able to use my visor to pinpoint the exact location… but it doesn’t pick up a signal.

Then, I turn around and look up at the sky, and lo and behold, there’s the icon again, looking as if it’s on a different planet, where I just came from! So I get in my ship, pulse toward it again, and have the same exact problem! Rinse and repeat.

To me, it seems like the icon is actually existing in the space *between* two planets, and not actually on one or the other. As if, maybe it thinks there’s supposed to be a planet there, but there really isn’t?

I believe this is a main quest, and not one of those smaller faction missions, so I don’t know if there’s any way for me to drop the quest and pick it up again. Sorry, I don’t remember the quest name off the top of my head (I’ll have to edit this post after work, when I’m able to get on the game to check), but I’m pretty sure this is happening with at least two of my current quests, so I don’t think it’s a quest-specific bug, necessarily. It might just be a navigation/UI bug.

Or maybe I’m just missing something or being dumb!

I’m playing on PC.

If anyone else has encountered this, can you tell me if I’m doing something wrong? Was there a way for you to resolve it?

Thanks, all!

submitted by /u/Appwy_Wiberawwy
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Come check out my Compound. I have Oxygen & Copper to spare if you need any at my base. My compound is still under construction however but your welcome to check it out. This is the most perfect planet I’ve found and I’ve traveled to many Sys…

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Weekly Bug Report Thread

This thread is followed by Hello Games. Please add your bug reports to this thread. You can also report bugs to Hello Games at the Zendesk. Before reporting a bug be sure you have installed the latest Patch or Hot Fix, information is located on this page. Please include platform and version.

This weekly thread is to help keep bug reports manageable. It is a scheduled weekly thread and not related to any specific release. You do not have to repost bugs to this post if you have already reported them on a previous post.

If you’re requested to send your save file to Hello Games see this post

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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