NMS HOT POST 2022/02/5

Is it rare to run into another player on this?

I just had an encounter in a system i've been lingering at for a while. Found them at the station and they had no idea, kept trying to access me like i was an NPC to inspect my ship xD

Was a nice surprise in the cold void of space anyway.

submitted by /u/Midgar918
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


Be sure you disable PVP if you don't want hours of work stolen.

There are people out there I just found, that will use their ships to kill you, then steal your stuff when it drops from your inventory. This player repeatedly killed me, and stole my grave after killing me again, because it doesn’t respawn you immediately. So make darned sure your pvp is set to NO ONE in the network setting. Once your save changes from expedition to normal, You are considered prey.

submitted by /u/Silkentek
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Petition to have a ship yard/space port added for freighters. (Either on planets or in space like Fo...

Petition to have a ship yard/space port added for freighters. (Either on planets or in space like Fondor in Star Wars)

I think it would be badass to witness multiple freighters docking in the same station. 🤯

Maybe even have it function as another Anomaly in a sense? 🦑

So players could gather and trade and your own crew can move about? I’m not sure if it’s possible currently in game, but if anyone can Do something as amazing as that, its HG

Also rip to my original freighter I had on Xbox. Excited to play it on steam and get another one though…. A better one!

submitted by /u/brettlybear334
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Guild Envoys PSA

If you find a space station Guild Envoy with an item you want to redeem multiple times the Guild Envoy at any Colossal Archives in the system has the same item on offer. You can easily find two Colossal Archives and build a quick base at each to …

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