
Beginner’s Mistake

Fun fact: The salvage ship stand in a space station isn’t to claim salvaged ships, it’s to salvage YOUR ship…just letting you. 🤦🏼‍♂️ On a completely unrelated matter, after about 6hrs of straight gameplay I have an almost entirely repaired crashed ship…

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I mistakenly slept on this game... this game is a gem

I am just now getting into nms for the very first time and I’m hooked.

I am a big Star Citizen fan and the realism kept me away from nms to be honest.

As I continue to wait for SC to hit that next leg of development when it becomes more detailed with more game mechanics and function, I decided to try nms…

I am both kicking myself for waiting so long, but also just really happy to play a good space game that is very focused on exploration.

A few days and MANY addicted hours in…

This game is a gem… Probably going to go down as a high all-time favorite for me

There is soooooo much to do in this game

submitted by /u/DigitalMaster37
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