
Am I the only one who loves the scenario of this game?

I mean, I’ve been browsing this subreddit for a few days now, and all I’ve read about the story is, either it’s incomprehensible, it sucks, or at best it’s interesting, but nothing more.

Being a big sci-fi fan, I find the game’s story a kind of mix between Matrix, Mass Effect and 2001: A Space Odyssey.

What I like most of all in the stories is the mystery. Not the complete mystery where you don’t understand anything, but the mystery that makes you ask questions, that lets the viewer (or actor in the case of a video game) imagine what could have happened off-screen.

And NMS does this very well. The story answers a number of questions, but leaves the player to make up his or her own mind about key points of the story.

submitted by /u/Noonaan
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Space radio

How about a space radio where they speak a bunch of random langauges and play goofy little songs? Some channels play regular earth songs while some play ai-generated music submitted by /u/Ham-Lad [link] [comments]

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Lost Worlds

Lost Worlds

My main game is discovery and documentation. I even have a record of my discoveries since the game doesn’t do it for me. After 6000+ hrs and returning to your homeworld only to find your discoveries disappear, as if you’ve never been there, is very disheartening. What’s the point of discovery when everything is fire and forget.. I know the universe is vast and emphemeral but nostalgia is much more powerful and important for explorers. I’ll drop this game for while to think about things.

submitted by /u/Fleebird3322
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Just a quick check...

Before I sack this lot, is there a way I can transfer these guys to another player? They took a bit of work to get and it seems like a waste to just have them disappear. Any ideas? submitted by /u/mildlyalarmingdave [link] […

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