
Is it time for another "Terrain Generation" update?

Hello Games and No Man’s Sky have been exceptional at providing so many lovely content updates since launch. And they’ve updated so many visual components as well…but mainly relegated to improving and adding to assets that already exist in the game. Flora, Fauna, Lasers, VFX, space whales etc. etc.

But relatively few of the “beauty” updates with the notable exceptions of NEXT and (edit) ORIGINS. have touched on improving terrain creation.

I can’t help but think that these kind of fundamental updates are being avoided, as to not hurt the base building components of the game.

Do you feel this has become a log jam that is preventing NMS from evolving more complex and dynamic terrain features?

Would you be willing to lose your bases for them to update these features?

Is there a solution that could be implemented to let them keep growing fundamental changes without blowing away all the bases?

Let me know what you think.

submitted by /u/SingularityBob
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How to set ship that will become primary after scrapping a ship?

I have a couple ships I want to keep, however only one of them is upgraded with a lot of tech modules and I want it to be the ship that shows up in the space station after I scrap another crashed ship I find. Right now one of my other ships often shows up instead, and it’s a pain to go back to the freighter, switch it out and then go back to the system I was in

submitted by /u/Working-Elderberry43
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