NMS HOT POST 2022/07/25

Hidden things never mentioned in the Tutorial for New Player Guide.

Added "Guide" in title for those that search new player guides.

  • Six biggest for me were:

    • Punch jumping – Sprint then melee then jetpack and you will got mostly forward with your jetpack.
    • You can buy a backpack slot on every station, but also on the anomaly in every system. So when you get to a new system go to that system's station and buy a exosuit slot, then call in the anomaly in that system, go to the back where the people sell upgrades and blueprints and buy another exosuit slot on the anomaly.
    • When you start the game in survival or Permadeath the ship is directly in front of you. (in case you just keep dying in the beginning which happened to me a lot) so you can just sprint to the ship and jump in and not die from the planet's hazards.
    • You can buy a recipe from the anomaly for starship that will "recharge" your lift booster with fuel while you are running around on the planet's surface. In this way you don't need to make starship fuel anymore and can "call in" your space ship to your location without worry that it ran out of fuel. For me I just scan, run to new thing, dig it up, etc. When I'm full call in ship, sort inventory etc.
    • Ion Battery / Life support Gel. Instead of making these, sell the cobalt you would have used to make Ion Batteries at a station and you can afford to buy these. These are a game changer in the sense that you no longer have to worry about finding sodium etc, when you explore you can just pop a battery. Combined with lift-jets thing above I can run around on the surface until I run out of inventory without worry.
  • Medium refiner recipes that make more of a thing if you add oxygen :

  • You can put silica dust in a refiner and get "glass" you do not need frost wart to get it.

  • You can make most plants in a medium refiner even if you did not find a planet that has that plant, e.g. Dioxite x2 + Oxygen x1 = 1 frost crystal. Just by the dioxite from a space station.

  • The "space fight danger level" is often very wrong. E.g. pirate danger level "severe" or whatever. If you have 1 star ship shield battery or sodium or sodium nitrate you can win most 1v1 or 4v1 fights with just 1 shield recharge.

submitted by /u/ruat_caelum
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


NMS Megathread for Q&A, Item Requests/Giveaways and Friend Requests, etc. Whatever you need, thi...

Hey Everyone,

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This Megathread is closely monitored by me so if you have a question that no one has answered, don’t worry I will personally get back to you in a reasonable time. I will always be keeping a close eye so no naughty business please.

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Helpful Links:

– If you need a specific ship, Multitool, Freighter, Frigates or anything a specific color or kind please check out our friends at r/NMSGlyphExchange. They also have a variety of different guides from Freighters to Multitool so if you need help with acquiring something, head right on over there.

– If you are looking for a ride to Anywhere in NMS, Please reach out to our friends at Pangalactic Starcabs, Pangalactic Starcabs is a Volunteer Service, Cabbie Availability may vary!

– If you are Looking for all 16 glyphs on one planet, You can find them in this Guide

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submitted by /u/Minetitan
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続きを読む シェア

Settlements are boring and pointless.

Honestly, I’ve played Facebook “City Sim” games with more depth and interactivity.

They bring literally nothing to the table except a time and resource sink with no real return or fun.

Nothing you build can be interacted with or do anything unique, except the “Starports” which require you to pay materials to build a roof, but then just turn out to be a single “Alternative” landing pad that random ships can land on, and have no roof in sight

Nothing you build creates related items that can be harvested, or sold. Markets are completely empty and don’t house traders. The hazard control building is literally just an empty 1×1 box that doesn’t do anything or cause your settlement to act differently if their are hazards. Every building is filled with storage items and nothing else. No unique living quarters.

All the buildings are literally just made from the players base building kit and are incredibly uninspired and pop up with no structure or thought to pathways and lane flow. Citizens just amble around doing absolutely nothing except looking at data pads, hovering 4 feet above the places they try to sit, and have the least inspired Sims style mood indicators that also cant be changed or interacted with and have no actual meaningful purpose.

The output materials your base generate are randomized, un-customizable, and have nothing to do with the building you build or the citizens you hire and they accrue incredibly slowly at rates that make worthless for selling or building.

My base has a Jelly Donut Farm as a status modifier. Is there a farm? No. Is there a restaurant? No. Is there a chef npc somewhere I can talk to to buy donuts from? No. Does it switch Settlement production rewards to donuts for me to sell or eat? No.

Settlements are ugly, hollow, shells that sit around and wait for arbitrary decisions that cost you both resources and hours of your life as it can take up to 4 hours per tier of a building to complete, with each building having 3 tiers. 12 entire IRL hours and decent amounts of resources to build a landing pad that isn’t even a unique asset, that I can plop down in 6 seconds in base building mode for like 25 pure ferrite.

It feels so under-baked, it’s basically raw.

But thanks for the base building overhaul I guess… even though its incredibly buggy now, it was a semi-thoughtful overhaul but still left the base building at “Pretty much pointless after a certain progression and lacking decorative assets.

submitted by /u/ChairmanTrash
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続きを読む シェア


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