NMS HOT POST 2022/09/10

Nice moment thanks to NMS.

I have an autistic, not very verbal daughter. She’s 9 and I’ve still never had an actual convo. with her longer than 4-5 words at a time, with us coaching her along with what to say.

Last night I was sitting at my desk, playing NMS. Nothing exciting, just working on my gravatino orb farm. My daughter walked up and said:

“Can I watch spaceman please.”

I was like.. “😳… err.. sure, have a seat.”

So she sat on my lap and was just watching me walk around my base. I went into one of my modular hallways and she said “he’s walking… he’s in the hallways… where is he going.”

I exited, hit my jetpack to go up to my landing pad on the roof and she verbalized that the spaceman was jumping, then when I got into my fighter. “He’s flying’da ship”

Shot up to the local star port, landed, and jumped up to where the NPC Gek are walking around with their datapads.

She started telling the ‘frogs’ to watch out, and get out of the way.

That was pretty damned nice. It was definitely worth the $60 lol 🙂

submitted by /u/Derkastan77
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


The Journey Begins

I am going to make a series of posts featuring my latest PermaDeath run. I just hit 120hrs. There’s still things to upgrade but it’s at a self sustaining point. It’s my second go completing Artemis and Atlas quest lines, only time doing so on PD….

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A (relatively) new player's take on this expedition

I have about 12 hours on a normal save and have never done an expedition before the current one. I just finished it (took about 12 hours) and here are some takeaways.

The amount of free stuff chucked at you throughout is mind boggling, from an amazing starship to free tech to a free freighter. I didn’t even know solar sails and freighters were a thing before the expedition.

Staying alive isn’t hard. I have been shocked at the number of complaints about permadeath. I went into this knowing sodium, oxygen, and ion batteries are key mats, and to be wary of overusing the jetpack. I never came close to dying beyond the one required time. Even when doing the whispering eggs, which I’d never seen before, and sentinel combat.

I learned more about the game by doing the expedition than playing my normal save.

Overall, it was a fun, educational, and not frustrating experience for a new player that knows little about the game. Again, I’m surprised to see so much backlash. I feel like there are more training wheels on this expedition than in the normal game.

submitted by /u/jcap1219
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Some of my bases

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