NMS HOT POST 2022/09/19

The life of a frigate captain

I just love how your frigate expeditions are having adventures worthy of Star Trek while you do mundane stuff like base-building and resource-gathering.

And when they hand in their report, you just skim it quickly and move on to the next report.

Frigate captain, pulling up his mission report: "While on a pirate-hunting patrol, we resolved a hostage situation and turned in the criminals to the local authorities, netting us 350,000 units. But then a system-wide civil war broke out, so we helped one side win and they rewarded us with some Vy'keen effigies. We then invested in the system's recovering industry and turned a profit of 407%. Afterwards, we warped to the next system just in time to witness a supernova up close, allowing us to gather valuable data about–"

Me, a billionaire, busy building my luxurious base on a nice tropical planet: "Yeah, yeah, whatever, dump it all over there."

submitted by /u/-Guardsman-
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


What were players doing before the NEXT update?!

I’m a new gamer (1 month now) and absolutely love it. Hands down one of the best games ever, imo. With the new Omega update, I decided to go read the last updates’ patch notes, and to my surprise I discover that practically 90% of the game I know today was actually only added in 2018 with the NEXT update! Even basic stuff like having a teleporter anywhere on a planet, doing space station missions and even ringed planets didn’t exist before.

My question is, to Day-1 players, what were you guys even doing for 2 whole years?! Did you just land on planets, scan and that was it? I mean, I guess I understand the whole backlash thing now if that’s what you guys could only do.

submitted by /u/Raio_24
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Keep spawning outside of base?

Hey not sure if anyone else is having this issue. I like to build my bases a stair level or two over the ground: It keeps the terrian from getting wiggy when I’m slapping down pieces and it looks nice out the windows. Consistently, I’m finding when I teleport to a base I spawn underneath it, and when I reload a save, I end up spawning in, again, under the base. In the past I would avoid this issue by building a room UNDER my save point and I would just spawn into the room but now no matter what I’m spawning on the ground. This isn’t a bug report, I’m just curious if any other Travelers are experiencing the same thing?

EDIT: Just adding: I’m playing on PC.

submitted by /u/Captain_Starkiller
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How to lose or discourage a player from following my friends and I?

Maybe a bit of a strange question. My friends and I know this guy and he’s basically a stalker.

That’s the long and short of it.

I played around 100 hours of No Man’s sky and they decided to start playing it again and my friends have been looking for another game to play multiplayer with so we all joined and started playing.

Within one day of playing, and me streaming it once, this guy who basically is stalking me and my friends, saw in my stream and immediately showed up while my friend was playing last night and started harassing her, messing with her base, he built a base next to her, and now she wants to leave and go make another base somewhere else and not be found. She told me he was bringing sentinels into her bace, she doesn’t know how to really play super well yet and fight, and he started building around her stuff, trying to chat her up and it was making her uncomfortable. He kept requesting that she go to voice chat and she kept refusing and trying to hint she wasn’t interested. He then friended her in game but she refused to friend him back.. I know all this because she called me in the middle of night on discord complaining about it to me.

Unfortunately this guy used to be my friend so he does know where some of my stuff is but if we all were to move, and go somewhere else, what’s the stop him from following us again and keep trying to build bases near us and harass people?

I don’t think there’s a block feature, I’m just wondering if there’s some ways I could use to avoid him? And at the same time are there things I can do in the game to make him have a very uncomfortable experience anytime he’s around us so that he stops wanting to harass me and my friends?

I don’t know why no man’s sky doesn’t have a block player feature. This guy definitely keeps trying to bring drama in with me and my friends when when he’s gone no one has any problems with one another.

My friends are enjoying this game immensely, and this is a mother and her child and some of her family including now her father might want to play, but now this development has sort of put a dampener on things and I would like everybody to enjoy the game experience as much as possible without this guy mucking everything up, which he definitely will try to do knowing him. Everyone already tried telling him in the past they were not interested in talking to him anymore and even stopped communicating so showing up at my friends base and trying to force an interaction and basically move next store was definitely creepster level.

submitted by /u/GeeseCTM
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