NMS HOT POST 2022/10/11

The 4.0 Update

Honestly, I'm 100% fine with the inventory change. My only complaint is PLEASE LET ME PUT THE INVENTORIES ON TWO PAGES. SCROLLING IS A NIGHTMARE ON CONSOLE.

That's all. Otherwise, pretty decent update. Looking forward to the next one.

submitted by /u/ihatefirealarmtests
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


The Omega Expedition is the ultimate quicksilver farm while it lasts

Now that the final optional milestone is unlocked and patch 4.52 unbroke the expedition, the Omega Expedition is the ultimate quicksilver farm until it ends. You can easily get 6000 quicksilver in an hour or less. I was able to finish in 45 minutes by doing the following steps to avoid unnecessary backtracking and moving around.

  1. Immediately scan six plants to get the Exobotany milestone and install the scanner upgrade. Scan as many fauna as you can see and various plants and minerals (focus on whatever your scanner upgrade is giving you a bonus for). In total, you need ~135K units to start for microprocessors and eventually another 250K to 300K for wiring looms.
  2. Find your ship and repair it, collecting necessary resources along the way. Take off and head to the nearest ice planet. The ice planets have more things to scan compared to the other planets. Scan as many fauna as you can to try and get the Life In All Its Forms milestone and the second scanner upgrade.
  3. Build your base to finish the next milestone and refine some chromatic metal from the copper you received.
  4. Somewhere between the starting planet and your base planet, repair all but one each of the broken starship and multitool slots to get the Scavenger milestone. You will need the nanites in a minute. The magnetic ferrite and silver are the easiest ones to skip fixing since they are the hardest/most time consuming to get.
  5. Before heading to the space station, install the hyperdrive and build one warp cell. Doing this while at your base ensures you have enough resources without having to backtrack.
  6. Head to the space station and buy the microprocessors to finish the hyperdrive. While you’re here, buy 3 C-class hyperdrive upgrades (buy, save, reload) with the nanites from the Scanveger milestone. These will give you enough range to make every warp except the last one in a single go.
  7. Go to Rendezvous 1-4 and get both the normal and optional milestones, keeping in mind the amount of units you need for wiring looms as you’re scanning.
  8. Somewhere between Rendezvous 1 and 4, you need to find a Traveler grave, get the Indium Drive plans, and install it. The earliest you can do this is on the Rendezvous 1 space station. If you pick the correct option when talking to the Traveler, you should get enough nanites to ask where their grave is (reload if you pick the wrong option). Alternately, if you go into the Anomaly with the milestone selected, you can ask Polo where to find a Traveler.
  9. Travel to Rendezvous 5 and finish the last two milestones. At this point, you should have 6000 quicksilver. Technically, you could finish the full set of milestones to get another 4000 or so quicksilver, but if all you want is the quicksilver it is much faster to just start a new save and go again.
  10. Go to the Anomaly and buy whatever you want from the quicksilver vendor. These items can then be claimed on any other save you want.

submitted by /u/DG_Mann
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NEXT PATCH 1.55 | 日本語パッチノート

BUG FIXES UIのメモリリークを修正しました。 貨物船との衝突を修正 特定の惑星に影響を与えたクラッシュを修正 借用されたExocraftでレーストラックを作成中に発生する可能性のあるクラッシュを修正しました 全体的な安定性を向上させるためのテクスチャメモリ使用量の削減 プレイヤーがThe Purgeミッションで立ち往生する問題を修正しました ゴースト・オブ・ザ・マシーンのミッションでプレイヤーが詰まってしまう問題を修正しました。 マインド・アークで復帰している間にプレイヤーが間違ったミッションを受け取る問…

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Exocraft suspension testing - A more than 50% speed boost

Exocraft suspension testing - A more than 50% speed boost

I’ve heard people say that suspension only matters for sliding around, or that it doesn’t apply to the nomad since it doesn’t have wheels. Both of these are incorrect.

All of these tests were done with random S class modules, your numbers may vary with maxed X class modules but the point still stands:

Suspension greatly affects both top speed and acceleration of exocrafts. (As well as handling of course)

The pilgrim

Using hi-slide and grip boost at the same time with -50% forward grip each makes the pilgrim accelerate so slowly that it takes significantly longer to reach its max speed than the colossus does. Using one isn’t nearly as bad but it still accelerates slower than having no suspension at all.

Now a fully decked out pilgrim only has 1 slot available for suspension, and using only drift suspension with +200% forward grip it almost instantly hits a max speed of 41.0.

Unfortunately, the adjacency bonus from the suspension matters here: If you remove suspension entirely the max speed drops to 39.3. If you get 2 adjacencies from suspension you get 42.5, and with all 3 suspensions you can hit 44.1.

You could combine drift and grip suspension for increased acceleration and handling over base, and max speed of 42.5 (Which is what I did, because the pilgrim is impossible to handle with just drift) but you’ll have to drop one of the other upgrade modules to fit it. Choose wisely!

The roamer

The roamer has extra slots available and can fit all 3 suspensions without compromise.

With just drift it hits a top speed of 36.3 very quickly. With grip and drift it hits 37.7. With all three it hits 39.0.

While the acceleration with all 3 isn’t super it’s not bad. The roamer’s larger mass makes it maintain top speed more easily over bumps than the pilgrim, so acceleration isn’t as big an issue.

There’s another reason not to just take grip: With only grip on certain inclines the roamer will floor it so hard it does a wheelie and digs its rear end into the ground, leaving you stuck there facing the sky until you let off the pedal.

I can’t measure acceleration accurately enough to know if adjacency affects the suspensions themselves, but make sure hi-slide is the one with less adjacencies just in case.

The colossus

The colossus has enough slots for all the suspensions as well, and you don’t have to worry about controlling it since it’s too heavy to drift to begin with.

Unlike the layout suggested on nomansskyresources.com, instead of placing the hi-slide next to a suspension, you should place the hi-slide next to an upgrade module for more speed from adjacencies. This makes it go from 35.1 to 36.5 max speed

The nomad

The nomad is where this all started. Turns out it’s easier to measure speed when water planets provide a massive runway for free. Unfortunately the nomad is where it gets complicated and I’m pretty sure these issues affect the other vehicles too to a lesser degree, so I’ve placed it last.

Getting the numbers out of the way: Max speed with 3 adjacencies was 40.0, with 2 was 39.9, with 1 was 38.5 and with none was 37.1.

This is of course depending on where the adjacencies are. I got 40.0 with hi-slide adjacent to an upgrade module, but 37.5 adjacent to the engine or not adjacent at all. The engine probably has a lesser strength rating to put it in xaine’s terms

In the nomad in particular, forward grip affects top speed. While I didn’t measure anything close to this on the other vehicles, the lower forward grip from hi-slide and grip suspension lowers the max speed dramatically. This effect is only offset by adjacency bonuses. Swapping out a single drift suspension for a grip one drops speed from 38.5 to 32.0.

In one direction. In the other direction I’m getting 26.3… Huh?!

It appears the perfectly flat runway I’ve been testing things on isn’t perfectly level. (An artifact of the planet being round perhaps?) The game makes it make a huge difference depending on whether I’m on a tiny incline or a tiny decline. While I couldn’t notice any difference in top speed depending on incline on the rest of them, the top speed on a nomad with lowered forward grip is clearly lower uphill than downhill.

Notably, this difference goes away with drift suspension – then it hits 38.5 both ways. Based on this I have to assume that increasing grip will also increase your speed on inclines. (Though I didn’t bother testing that much)

The nomad also has this “Incline behavior” on water, though I didn’t test it enough to know for sure if it occurs everywhere on water, swapping grip for drift makes it go from 26.3 to 38.5.


  • Drift > Grip > Hi-slide – Apply them in that order
  • More adjacencies can mean more top speed, but grip and hi-slide suspension mean less acceleration
  • Nomad’s top speed in particular is heavily affected by forward grip
  • More forwards grip heavily affects the nomad on slopes, and probably everything else on slopes too (Though I didn’t test this thoroughly)

My builds below:

  • Nomad and pilgrim dropped a cannon upgrade for double adjacency
  • Hi-slide highlighted in red


submitted by /u/JnvSor
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Some of us just want an exploration update...

I love this game and appreciate the countless updates and continued support NMS has received over the years, I really do, but part of me can’t help but be disappointed when a new patch drops and there’s nothing about exploration. Exploration is the heart of this game, it’s what drew most of us here. Yet it seems to have taken the back seat for many years. What happened?

I want new things to see, to do, and to find on planets. New plants, animals, and biomes. Mysteries to uncover, artifacts to find, rare encounters to look forward to. A reason to walk over the next mountainside and see if something special is there. A reason to wander. Some things like this have been added over the years, but not much, and it certainly has not been the priority.

Unfortunately at this point, I don’t think another exploration-focused update is going to happen. But here’s to voicing our hope for it.

submitted by /u/Zeppelin2k
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Is there a way to break out of the jousting loop during space combat?

I find that going around and around in circles and going literally head to head is kind of an annoying way to fight. I feel like I’m doing something wrong. I thought it would change after I made a fighter but now that I have an a class highly maneuverable fighter and I’m still space jousting I don’t know what to do.

submitted by /u/PerfectSageMode
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