NMS HOT POST 2023/01/12

Min/Maxers: I made a worksheet for Forbidden Exosuit Modules

After having a bunch of sentinel pillar bases, I ended up with huge piles of sentinel glass and the resulting Forbidden Exosuit Modules. My recent Exp7 save ended up with a few hundred of them after building and maintaining a popular base.

The problem is, each can have four of six possible attributes. Thinking in my head on deciding which ones to keep started getting twisted. So like a good tool-using monkey, I made a worksheet using Google Docs.

There are groups of three rows so you can evaluate different combinations and it will auto-categorize the different attribute combinations into a "type" so individual comparisons are much easier. In this screenshot, you can see the sample data I've put into the worksheet to start you off with. The top is filled with just me making raw entries from a set of the modules in my exosuit. Further below, you can see me take three of those entries to try to make a well-rounded combination.

Make a copy in your own google account and edit it to your heart's content. Use it in good health and happy travels! If you don't use it and have read this far, happy travels and good health anyway!



*(No, I haven't made one for Forbidden Multitool Modules. They aren't as complex as the exosuit versions.)

submitted by /u/badmonkey0001
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


Me and my friend group of 10ish are looking to possibly play NMS together for this first time! Is th...

Hey NMS community! As the title says, my friend group is looking for our next survival sandbox game to play and No Man’s Sky is popping up on our radar! After discovering all of the updates this game has undergone over the years, we are hopeful that this is something that we can all play together and put a bunch time into for the foreseeable future..


We are aware that the game allows up to groups of 4 and after some light research on YouTube and Reddit, we are NOT quite sure what all that entails:

We see that 32 people can be in the same instance at a time on PC.. Does this mean we can all play with each other, build bases, quest together etc. in multiple groups of 4 (or less) at the same time?

In other sandbox-survival type games that we have played together thus far (Age of Conan, Ark, Terraria, Minecraft etc.) we had the freedom to pretty much play through those games together, interacting and doing objectives with eachother as a whole as much as we pleased.

So our main concern is are we going to be able to play most of the game together as a collective? Since we are pretty unfamiliar with how the game works and plays (we didn’t want to over-research on youtube and spoil the gameplay), we weren’t sure that, being such a large group, would we be relatively alienated from each other via the limited 4-man group sizes and if NMS is the type of game we are looking to play together as a full goon squad!

Thanks for any and all info guys!!

submitted by /u/Square-Nerve3900
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