
Is it time for another "Terrain Generation" update?

Hello Games and No Man’s Sky have been exceptional at providing so many lovely content updates since launch. And they’ve updated so many visual components as well…but mainly relegated to improving and adding to assets that already exist in the game. Flora, Fauna, Lasers, VFX, space whales etc. etc.

But relatively few of the “beauty” updates with the notable exceptions of NEXT and (edit) ORIGINS. have touched on improving terrain creation.

I can’t help but think that these kind of fundamental updates are being avoided, as to not hurt the base building components of the game.

Do you feel this has become a log jam that is preventing NMS from evolving more complex and dynamic terrain features?

Would you be willing to lose your bases for them to update these features?

Is there a solution that could be implemented to let them keep growing fundamental changes without blowing away all the bases?

Let me know what you think.

submitted by /u/SingularityBob
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In what type of area did you place your main base? (Not talking about biomes)

In what type of area did you place your main base? (Not talking about biomes)

I zoomed out as far as I could.

Of course you can tell your biome, but this is about the type of area you put your base in. The questions below should clarify what I mean:

On an island far out in the ocean? On the shore? On a mountain? Deep underwater? In a cave? In a cave underwater? On the side of a volcano? In orbit? On your freighter? In a large tree (treehouse)?

I’m currently near the shore, next to a small lake and a larger one, between a bunch of natural bubbles, trees and bushes (some I planted myself), on bioluminescent grass. It’s a very idyllic and soothing place on a paradise planet and I love it. I’m totally alone, no Sentinels and not even land animals. But I plan to move to my own personal island soon, preferably with a pond in the middle (wish we could build our own ponds and lakes).

submitted by /u/SquareFroggo
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Freighters are outdated & have become very buggy as a result of this!

Here’s a quick rundown of everything currently wrong with freighters.

Here’s a few ideas I’d like to see in a Freighter Overhaul update.

  • Allow multiple player freighters per system (Limit is 1 currently, but modders have shown that more is entirely possible atleast on PC) This lets us show off our frigate fleet & all the work we’ve done with this aspect of the game to other players & friends.

  • More Freighter Base Building options & decorations

  • Customizable Crew Uniforms

    • Let us decide what our Crew wear on the Freighters & Frigates.
    • Additionally let us decide crew uniforms based on Race, so the Vy’keen uniform option would be seperate from Gek & Korvax uniform option(s).
    • Maybe even expand this to Squadrons pilots as well? Although there wouldn’t be much point in this unless they landed in our freighters & walked around as well. WINK
  • Customize Frigates

    • Having a Fleet all of the same colour is really rewarding, took me awhile personally… but what if it was made easier by allowing us to customize the colour of our Frigates in a similar way to how we customize our Freighter?
    • Customize the Combat Frigate’s reinforcements ships, atleast the colours of the trail. There’s been a few times I’ve blown them out of the air due to mistaking them as pirate vessels.
  • Introduce more Frigate categories & expand Fleet size to 50 or 60 Frigates (NPC Fleets can be up to 60, why shouldn’t ours get close?)

    • Expand on the “Recon” Category of Frigates that were first introduced in Expedition 2 with the SSV Normandy SR1.
    • Add a Mining/Trading Specialized Frigate Category
    • Limit these “multi-category” frigates per type, otherwise people might completely replace their single category frigates.
    • Update Frigate missions to include something new & unique to give reason to doing them again.
  • Freighters should feel Livelier

    • I feel freighters would feel a lot more alive if your Freighter & Frigates crew would path up & down the hallways, maybe the Fleet command room has a NPC in it either sleeping on the bed, eating lunch at the table or overseeing the fleet at the terminal? Also I’d love to setup a sort of bar or Cafe kind of area & have my Freighter crew walk up & sitdown on some stools. Basically bring settlements to Freighter bases?
    • Freighter settlements would be nice, I personally try not to settle on planets because I’ve lost a few bases to major updates, definitely wouldn’t wanna lose a Planetary Settlement to one. lmao

Freighters are a great feature, I just wish they were a bit more polished & less buggy.

submitted by /u/Malkuno
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