NMS HOT POST 2023/02/24

A life saving tip for the expedition

I've seen a lot of posts in the past 2 days about people getting stuck hours away from their base, on top of mountains, in the middle of the ocean or chased by sentinel. Here is how you should prepare. The Nomad exocraft is extremely useful this expedition and should be the first thing you put down after you land on your building site. It can climb literally vertical cliff, float on surface of water and very hard to get stuck inside caves. It's also the second fastest exocraft. So, other than ferite and copper, you should stock up on parafinium to build the station, and pre-crafting metal plating before you leave a planet.

submitted by /u/CeReAl_KiLleR128
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


Wishlist for future updates?

Hi, I have some suggestions which might make the game even more fun.

  • Add ships, shipwrecks and wrecked freighters to uninhabited systems. Sure they may be uninhabited, but that doesn’t mean never visited, a few crashes here and there wouldn’t be strange.

  • starship tech modules which increase the succes rate of the onboard scanner when scanning for planet locations. I’m looking straight towards that factory on-screen, why is my scanner ignoring it?

  • diversify planet color palets, plants and trees instead of making them biome dependant. Every frozen or hot planet, poisoned or radioactive planet and paradise planet looks the same, it’s getting repetitive! I’d love to find a frozen planet with giant mushrooms and pink snow, but it’s just not in the range of possibilities. I don’t know if that’s because the game is out on so many platforms, but if it is that sucks.

  • claim uninhabited systems for Gek, Korvax or the Vy’keen in favor of a faction boost. Let space stations be buildable for the claiming process by spending large amounts of all kind of resources.

  • a way to change ship while on board of a space station please.

  • a way to refresh missions, or a system that resets the missions after 24 hours.

  • buyable anomaly detectors somewhere at the Nexus.

Those are all I can think of at the moment. Maybe y’all want to add more?

submitted by /u/LeBaiton
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When did the amount of frigates you can own change?

I have had this save for a couple years. The last time I played this save i remember selling a couple C class frigates to make more room for better ones. I recently started playing again and I picked up where i left off, buying frigates. But I was not able to buy any becouse the ”buy icon” wouldnt show up. Anyways I found out you can own a maximum of 30 frigates. I curently own 31 and I asume at some point I was up to 37. When did they change this?

submitted by /u/Daan-Bakbanaan
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