
Giant worm lol

Somwhat recently I got a flyng worm egg and I decided I want the largest worm possible dumping 9k phosphorus but the limit is 1m but hey its cool and really fast (starship for scale) submitted by /u/trashcatdotmpsix [link] […

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Anomalous Anomaly

Was doing a Nexus mission and noticed this glitch that I’ve never encountered before, before calling in the Anomaly to complete my mission I saw there were several ships parked in space, players also beside them. After a few moments of total conf…

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Discuss my no doubt unpopular opinion. (Random NMS Screenshot)

Discuss my no doubt unpopular opinion. (Random NMS Screenshot)

I guess it’s normal, but I find it weird when I read people wanting to bring other items they find popular (ex: lightsaber/swords from SW, ship customization from SF, MP combat) or practical Earth things (ex: realistic space flight physics) into No Mans Sky. It’s unimaginative, this kind of making NMS just like every other game. I think Sean is pretty true to his vision and HG’s successful style but I see when game devs actually start listening to this “watering down” of their game, it means that game is done with.

submitted by /u/Infamous-Arm3955
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