
After a week of searching, I finally found one of the game's worst planets

After a week of searching, I finally found one of the game's worst planets

This took a week of searching in Calypso, visiting nearly 100 star systems in all before I found it.


This planet has just about everything wrong with it:

  • Extreme hazards (which implies extreme storms, and activated elements)
  • Aggressive sentinels
  • An infestation
  • No water
  • In a star system with a T1 economy and level 3 conflict

The only thing it’s really missing is extreme terrain. And possibly a visual glitch. But, overall, I am pleased with it.

There is literally no reason to come to here except to leave and never return. Maybe just to look around and say, “Yup. This place sucks”. Because it does.

I am thinking of building a home here.


It is kinda beautiful in its own right, though. The zebra striping on the infested elements is a nice touch that I don’t see often, so I suppose things could be just a smidgen more terrible on that front, too. But finding a worse planet would be a challenge.



Enjoy, travelers!

submitted by /u/SkySchemer
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PSA for Expedition OMEGA if you use your main save

If you can get by in the expedition without using the expansion slots for multitools, your exosuit, and your starship that you are awarded during the different phases of the expedition, you can take them back with you to your main save when the expedition is over, and use them on your main save.

Keep in mind that you can buy one exosuit expansion at the space station and one in the Anomaly in each system you visit during the expedition as well.

Also, despite the end-of-expedition bug that I managed to get around with the photo-mode fix, I really liked how I could take things back to my main save. It was also very satisfying to get a ton of units and nanites to carry over to your main save, not only for the other stuff in your inventories, but also your in-expedition accomplishments, even those not directly related to the expedition itself.

I sometimes feel that the HG devs don’t respect the players’ time with some of their design decisions, but this was the first time I felt like my time was well worth playing the expedition because it advanced my main save as well, and not just with cosmetics and cool building parts.

submitted by /u/guitarot
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Thank you to whoever put down a base at the quicksilver weekend mission location.

With how mindlessly people bandwagon things, lord knows that spot would probably be completely inaccessible with comballs if someone hadn’t put down a base. I normally think they’re neat, but there were so many comballs at this location that I could barely even target the corrupted sentinels there. This is really shitty behavior on the part of the community, considering how much of an annoyance these can be to other players in a spot like this.

Like, if you really want to have a big funny field of messages, park it off to the side where people can CHOOSE to go get ambushed with a bunch of random comments. Have some decency.

submitted by /u/Misternogo
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I think I lost EVERYTHING

This has happened at least twice. The first time I had to pull sync data from the cloud to be able to play again. It disabled auto sync so now my backup file loads into this white screen also. I can’t get past it. I can’t push buttons I can’t hea…

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