
NMS: "There’s so much to do but no point in doing any of it."

Hi everyone. *** RANT INCOMING

I saw one post recently on this subreddit, where someone mentioned this. And they mentioned how because of this, the game is incredibly shallow.

And even though I love the game (close to 400hours in it now), I kind of agree with them.

– I’m minmaxing the DPS for my Infra-Knife (70k+) on my fighter ship(s).
– I’m getting all my frigates to S-class.
– I have fully upgraded all my Freighter modules and stuff, all S-class. My fleet coordination is at 100+.
– I’m trying to get either more reputation or get fully fluent in at least one of the faction languages.
– I’m discovering planets, and putting portals on the different galaxies I go to, to go back to them whenever I want.
– I’m leveling up my settlement and trying to make it look good, make people happy, and be very productive.

I could go on, but these are activities that I do, and many others as well.

And here’s the key question… WHAT FOR?

Has anyone thought about all this at any point? Maybe we just do these activities because, even though there’s no “point” or end goal in doing any of them, the activities themselves are fun?

I’ll keep playing it. I fucking love it. But, I’d love for it to have a lot more depth to the systems it has.

If you have more than a few hundred hours in the game, what do you like doing the most? Would you like the system to have more… “depth” or just like, more reasons to do the content? Or do you like it just the way it is? Why, or why not?

Thanks for reading, and I appreciate all your answers/comments.

submitted by /u/GreggJ
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