
what now?

i got every upgrade for my base every starship,exocraft,multitool,exostuit nanite upgrade and every base upgrade ive also got maxed starship and multitool ive completed every primary quest and got a boss freighter and made my home planet got max units …

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The "dynamic base pieces" are sucking the joy out of base building for me.

I always loved base building in this game, yes the new pieces look great…unless you want to build a multi story building. Whenever you stack a wall on another wall, no matter if there is a floor panel between them, the upper walls will get this extremely ugly, different texture.

It also makes it impossible to build a building on uneven terrain, if you want the building to look believable you would just put walls under it to “connect” it with the ground. Well now you can’t do that without making your building an abomination because walls at the same level will be divided into segments that were “dynamically changed” and those that weren’t.

Please let us disable this function. Please.

submitted by /u/Vaye_the_Cat
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Reactor Mods on Derelicts

Reactor Mods on Derelicts

The first time I ran this Derelict Freighter it gave me a C Class Reactor for a starship.

Yes, apparently, Derelicts now do this.

Given the fixed nature of the tech on Derelicts, you’d expect this to correlate the also, right?

No, on this run I discovered the Derelict was in actual fact a B Class.

Derelicts can give Reactors of any Class, don’t get fooled by this please 🙏😊

submitted by /u/PSN-RoadkillRabbit
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