NMS HOT POST 2023/11/12

Thank you

I think the most awesome thing I have experienced in this game is the random kindness of strangers.

What I mean by this is that there are times where I go to the Nexus do to some missions to earn some credits, nanites or even quicksilver and there is occasionally someone going around, donating high value trading ite.s to everyone.

As a beginner player this has helped me a ton with being able to afford certain upgrades or even ships and I greatly appreciate it.

In terms of communities I think this game has my favourite, that being said, I do have PvP off so I probably never experience the toxic side.

submitted by /u/AmarulaKilledMe
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


Update Wishlist: Functioning Star Systems

By now, a lot of the original promises for NMS have come true, and we are even getting new features that we haven’t dreamt of at release. However, there is still a fundamental gameplay element that’s missing. We need real physical stars, with planets oribitng around them. It’s so weird playing a space game in which stars are a skybox.

  • Functioning orbits would add a lot of realism. I am convinced that this one change would make space travel a lot more visceral and enjoyable in the game.
  • Imagine the potential for gameplay elements, like solar ships gaining speed near the star, or lore potential, with space megafauna being more common near the stars, etc.
  • It would also allow adding asteroid belts orbiting stars like our Kuiper belt, instead of asteroids being spread throughout.

    I am curious to hear what are your ideas for gameplay mechanics, lore, and content that could be made possible by adding physical stars with functioning orbits into the game.

submitted by /u/adhoc42
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May have been done before, but I bothered to excavate an Ancient Ruin

May have been done before, but I bothered to excavate an Ancient Ruin

submitted by /u/BobSanvegana
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