NMS HOT POST 2023/11/13

I finished the purge yesterday. Jumped to a new galaxy. F me right, it’s all broken. If you haven’t jumped yet, dont take your best ship.

So like it says I jumped to my first new galaxy. I didn't know everything on my ship was going to break. I took my "good" ship with all the upgrades on it this c class intercepter was dope. I didn't know literally everything I own was going to break when I jumped. Luckily I found a b class intercepter to make my mood better but having to fix everything really broke me for a minute.

submitted by /u/pixi1420
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


Where did all these credits come from?

I’m new to the game, something like 26 hours in. I recovered like 4 ships just to scrap for a money boost of around 35 mil or something.

When I scrapped them, credits didn’t go up. Then later as I was organizing inventory, I realized I have to sell the retrieved scrap components to get the credits. So I sold all of them and walked away with over 1 BILLION credits….

I don’t know what happened. I recall at some point in my play gathering stuff from a wrecked freighter on a planet, destroying a frigate in battle, etc, but over 1 BILLION worth?

Is that amount of money normal through storyline+random gameplay or did a bug of some sort perhaps occur?

submitted by /u/few_words_good
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is it just me or are exotics sorta ugly

Because I and many others like an aerodynamic or industrial looking ship or sometimes something looking strange like living ships but the exotics just look like an ugly ship with vertical wings and that coat of paint that looks too plastic-like for my liking, they just look like a small ball with plastic paint and stupid wings and to me at least exotics only are good for scraping. and yes I know that some exotics don’t have wings but I don’t know what you guys think.

submitted by /u/Ultimate_89
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Orbital made me play different.

Orbital made me play different.

After 500+ hours of mainly flying 1 Sentinel the new update made me play differently. I’m not much of a ship hunter, but now I’ve build my ultimate Explorer model and I’m using it. I’ve never been into the ‘different ships for different purposes’ before, but I’m actually exploring. Making 2500+ LY jumps and finding better hyperdrive upgrades so I can actually explore even further. Same with the Hauler. I’m doing trade routes and using it to go from farm to farm. Next up… The ultimate fighter so I can be a menace to pirates.

submitted by /u/Timu_76_
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Ship Hunting and Salvaging: A Sentinel Ship Guide to how they Spawn to help farm the perfect ship fo...

Ship Hunting and Salvaging: A Sentinel Ship Guide to how they Spawn to help farm the perfect ship for you!

I believe its time to use documented proof to show definitively how Sentinel Ship Spawning actually works and show off how you can use that knowledge to your advantage. For today’s documentation I could not spare the time to find a Wild S class spawned ship so instead I simply grabbed one from the Coordinate Exchange as the basis for my research. Credit where credit is due, here is the link to the post I used by sedatedsashquatch

The Ship We Shall Experiment On Today

For this experiment I found 4 copies of this ship on the same planet. I wanted to get one of each Class Rating but was not able to and ended up with 2 B Class instead. Here are the 4 ships I found, I forgot to record the coordinates for one of the B-Class. NOTE that ALL ships that spawn in the system will be the same ship design. If you want a different design you must SWAP SYSTEMS. 1 Sentinel Ship design per System!

Here is Decisive proof of my 4 finds with coordinates to 3 of them. The names listed in the repair screen are INCORRECT

Here is documentation of what the ships looked like internally right after I claimed them with the correctly updated name. Likely a bug that the names change right now might be related to them being buildings.

With the ships claimed they update to show their TRUE NAME which is Salvaged-a

From here I renamed each of the ships. For clarity the pictures have the ships always in the same tiles so you can easily compare picture to picture. The S class was renamed to Wild S, The 1st B class become Wild Bv1, the 2nd B class became Wild Bv2, and the A-Class became Wild-Av1. Now lets look at their Supercharged slots.

As you can see here EACH of the 4 ships has its own unique Super Charged Layout

With this information we can decisively prove that the Super Charged Layout of Sentinel Ships is NOT SEEDED to the System. I have managed to claim the same ship at the same crash site in my own worlds multiple times and they always have the same Super Charged slots in each crash location. This means that the CRASH LOCATION determines the Super Charged Layout. This is similar to how Multi-tool Supercharge Slots work!

This information means that if you find a GREAT ship you CAN farm it on that planet to try and find one with a better Supercharged Layout.

Next I will prove decisively that the CORE stats of each ship is SEEDED on upgrades and that you will ALWAYS get the same CORE stats from NON-WILD ships.

Here we can see that the two B-Class Ships have identical CORE stats upon being claimed and file reloaded at the space station

Here we can see that the two Wild B-Class Ships have the same Identical A-Class core but the Wild-A Class has minutely higher damage and shields.

And finally we have the 4 ships compared at S-Class rating. All 3 of the ships that were upgraded have IDENTICAL CORE stats. The WILD S however has a slightly better shield and a much better Damage rating.


  1. All Sentinel Ships in a system have the SAME NAME, SAME UPGRADE CORE, AND SAME APPEARANCE
  2. ALL Sentinel Ships have IDENTICAL CORE when upgraded! Their STARTING STATS and CLASS are irrelevant
  3. Sentinel Ship Super Charge Layout is determined by the CRASH LOCATION so we can FARM FOR BETTER SC on any given ship! HUGE WIN.
  4. The SC layout is not determined in ANY WAY by the crashed ships WILD RATING, this means that a C-Class can have better Super Charged Slots than a Wild S-Class its ENTIRELY RANDOM.
  5. It is UNKNOWN is Wild S ships spawn with a higher chance at a good CORE or if this particular ship is just LUCKY. It may take hundreds of samples to make even a basic conclusion on this!


I’ve noticed that a HUGE number of people are having problems finding their Sentinel Ships in the first place! Particularly and issues with Dissonant systems not spawning ships. This happens on planets that are Corrupted Sentinel and of the Dead/Exotic/Paradise types! Those systems should always be avoided.

When I warp into a Dissonant system I use my Freighter to scan all the planets and see what type spawned the Corrupted Sentinels if it has one of those world types I just warp to a new system as there will not be ships there. You can use the Resonance map from space and if it gives you an error about interference you know FOR SURE there are no ships or Multi-tools in that system!

Also some people are having problems with their Sentinel Space Combat. If you are near a space station they will spawn FOREVER you must get sufficiently far away. Also you cannot raise the Alert level in a Pirate system so don’t use those systems!

Hopefully this information completely clears up any confusion on how Sentinel Ships spawn and how to find them, but if you have further questions you can post them below for investigation!

submitted by /u/Dangthing
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NMS Megathread for Q&A, Item Requests/Giveaways and Friend Requests, etc. Whatever you need, thi...

Hey Everyone,

This is a Megathread for all the people of the sub. If you have questions, Ask away. If you need anything just ask. This is uniform thread where you can ask for pretty much anything (from Questions to Nip Nip) that will be live 24/7 all year around and refreshed every couple of days.

This Megathread is closely monitored by me so if you have a question that no one has answered, don’t worry I will personally get back to you in a reasonable time. I will always be keeping a close eye so no naughty business please.

To make things little bit easier if you could help us make distinction between type of posts that would be great, Which brings us too ….


– *Do not put bug reports in this thread.* There is a Bug-Thread pinned to the top of the sub that should be used for them.

– If you are asking a questions please post your question like so : [Question] …. Your Post ….

– If you are requesting something an item, money, etc. please post like so : [Request] …. Your post ….

– If you are offering an item of doing a giveaways (in game items only), user: [Giveaway] …. Your post ….

– Please do not post your friend code in your post. PM/DM them to the person who is helping you. It will prevent people trolling and griefing your saves.

Helpful Links:

– If you need a specific ship, Multitool, Freighter, Frigates or anything a specific color or kind please check out our friends at r/NMSGlyphExchange. They also have a variety of different guides from Freighters to Multitool so if you need help with acquiring something, head right on over there.

– If you are looking for a ride to Anywhere in NMS, Please reach out to our friends at Pangalactic Starcabs, Pangalactic Starcabs is a Volunteer Service, Cabbie Availability may vary!

– If you are Looking for all 16 glyphs on one planet, You can find them in this Guide

And as always, please be civil, be kind and be helpful.

Please Follow all the Sub and Post rules and Thank you all so much!

submitted by /u/Minetitan
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Taking base decorations...

While visiting other people’s bases, I’ve noticed that certain decorations can be taken. If I do, will I be stealing from that person?

Edit: I want to be explicitly clear: I am NOT going around stealing from other people. I am not that kind of player. I am merely asking if it is a bug that I am able to pick up certain decorations on an otherwise uneditable base, and if I do pick up said item, would it disappear from their base and be effectively stolen. I apologize if my wording has triggered people, I was just looking for information, not a moral debate.

submitted by /u/Amazing_Abrocoma
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