NMS HOT POST 2023/11/23

Some odd ships I’ve collected on my journey

Some odd ships I've collected on my journey

Here's a collage of ships I've collected, The first set of images are pictures of the primary ship I use, it's so colourful! The second set is the most "sentinel" ship I've found, very evil. The fifth image is of my very first living ship, I'm absolutely in love with! And the last setof images is this really funky looking sentinel ship that's I've even attached the glphs to for all of you to find, it's what made me make this post in the first place, for me it appeared as an A class.

submitted by /u/Jai-comiku
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


I figured out the hidden message on the new update

TLDR: Hidden message from destroyed robot heads on second to last paragraph.

So… The new update added some robotic parts near the new crashed interceptor ships, bases, and scattered throughout the corrupted worlds. If you interact with these, you first get a famous integer sequence followed by a binary sequence. – I didn’t take note of the first sequences because I think they’re fluff, but I recall seeing the Fibonacci and the weird numbers (abundant but not pseudoperfect) sequences in there.

So I went around taking note of each binary sequence and found a total of 12 so far, ranging from 1 to 11 and then a 17 – IIRC, I didn’t make a note of that one since it has no numbers, just question marks.

The numbers I found are:

#1: 1010110

#2: 1001111

#3: 1001001

#4: 1000100

#5: 100000

#6: 1001101

#7: 1001111

#8: 1010100

#9: 1001000

#10: 1000101

#11: 1010010

At first I though portal glyphs of some cool new location or maybe quest, but unfortunetly the numbers are too big (>16) and I couldn’t see a working conversion.

I did find a hidden message, if you convert each number to a letter, in order. The trick is to add zeros to the left, since number 5 has one less digit than the rest which serves as a hint – i.e., 1010110 becomes 01010110, and so on.

The message is : VOID MOTHER.

So maybe it’s a hint for an upcoming… something? Or just hidden lore? I don’t know, just wanted to share my findings. Also, it would be nice if someone found and shared additional sequences, if they exist, like from range 12-16.

Edit: Format and words.

submitted by /u/K_Kingfisher
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Weekly Bug Report Thread

This thread is followed by Hello Games. Please add your bug reports to this thread. You can also report bugs to Hello Games at the Zendesk. Before reporting a bug be sure you have installed the latest Patch or Hot Fix, information is located on this page. Please include platform and version.

This weekly thread is to help keep bug reports manageable. It is a scheduled weekly thread and not related to any specific release. You do not have to repost bugs to this post if you have already reported them on a previous post.

If you’re requested to send your save file to Hello Games see this post

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Best farms in 2024?

Haven’t played in a hot minute, but have about 200 hours in the game. Got back into it pretty recently, and was wondering what the best things to grow are as of the Orbital Update. I read that “supercomputers” are great for getting units (4 mil apiece …

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Just a small cooking recipe idea, nothing serious

So they recently added 🇺🇸 cookies / 🇬🇧 biscuits to the game, which means Hello Games is adding new cooking recipes in their updates.

Anyways, to the point. There’s bread, with can be made by processing Dough in the Nutrient Processor. And that’s it. Dead end in the crafting tree. Which kinda surprised me a little, considering the various other types of food items that exist in the game.

I propose the category… Assemble Sandwich! At the moment I don’t have ideas for prices and consumption bonuses, but I have a few recipe ideas: – Mystery Melt: Processed Meat or Smoked Meat + Tangy Cheese + Bread – Proto-Panino: Processed Meat or Smoked Meat + ProtoCheese + Bread – Egg Salad Sandwich: Creature Egg (etc) + Steamed Vegetables + Bread – Eerie Sandwich: Larval Core + Steamed Vegetables + Bread – Starlit Sandwich: Silicon Egg + Steamed Vegetables + Bread

If anyone has any ideas for prices, consumption bonuses, or other recipes, feel free to share!

submitted by /u/CutietheCar16
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