NMS HOT POST 2023/12/3

Question about interceptor ships, very new player

I started playing on Wednesday. Was exploring and found a corrupted sentinel planet, took out some resonators and got a few echo locators. Found an interceptor ship and claimed it then used another echo locator which lead me to another ship that looked the same but had 1 less slot for tech and cargo, so claimed that too and sold it for 26 million. I'm guessing different ships on the same planet look the same but have different classes, slots and base stats.

Do I need to find a different corrupted sentinel planet to get a different design of ship. If yes, will traveling to that new planet in a different system to get the new ship design then traveling back to the original planet refresh the design or not.

Tldr: do I need to travel to 100 dissonant systems and 100 corrupted sentinel planets to see different ship designs or can I bounce between 2?

submitted by /u/mikejlang92
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


This Feels Like Heresy

Coming into No Mans Sky from the wonderful universe of Elite Dangerous, I’d never heard much good(any, really) about NMS. And i’d like to preface this with a Dont Get Me Wrong I Love Elite.

But holy freakin crap is this game a nice change of pace. Do yall know what i had to do to get a fleet carrier in elite dangerous?! Christ on a pancake. I got a little A-class freighter for free in NMS at my third system in my first playthrough. You know what i got in my third system in Elite Dangerous? TRAUMA.

Landing on planets and being able to interact with the terrain, however buggy and simplistic and perhaps not as dynamic as we’d like, is quite simply mindblowing.

And can i just say what a DELIGHT it is to hop around these galaxies??!! Im in a crappy little fighter with a SEVEN HUNDRED LIGHT YEAR JUMP RANGE. AND IT DOESNT HAVE TO CHARGE FOR 15 FRICKIN MINUTES.

Honestly. Great game. Glad to be here. Thanks for having me.

Oh and can i say just how freaking lovely it is to run into other players on a regular basis who want to wave and say hi, instead of blow up my ship to satisfy some inner sociopathic tendencies.

Thanks Hello Games.

submitted by /u/Curiousipede
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For the newbies: here's what an Expedition is and why you should try them out!

I saw a recent comment from a newbie saying they didn’t know what an expedition was or why they’d want to play in one. I think we, as a community, may have started assuming too much context and should explain ourselves.

So TL;DR: An expedition is a game mode where you start a new save from scratch and participate in a series of challenges that lead to rewards you can share with all of your saves. Unlike the normal game, you do this in the same systems as everyone else playing the expedition!

The rest of this is not a guide to any particular expedition, but will give new players a sense of how you interact with one. Feel free to comment with non-PC control options or corrections.

You start an expedition when one is active by selecting “Play Game” and then “New Game” from the main menu. One of the options on the New Game screen is “Community Expedition.”

Once you start, you get the usual starting sequence and you follow the on-screen instructions until you get into the game itself.

Expeditions start on a specific planet. Everyone starts there and as usual your first mission is typically to find and repair your ship. But from there, you are led by a series of expedition challenges. There are some number of phases to the expedition and each phase has a set of milestones you must accomplish. Once you accomplish each of the milestones in a phase you get a reward that will be sharable with your other saves, even the non-expedition ones!

You find these milestones by pressing Escape and then going to the “Expedition” tab in the menu. You’ll see a jagged line through a number of phases, with each of the systems showing the milestone achievements you need to complete in order to finish the final step (don’t forget that there’s the final achievement for having done all of the previous ones in a particular system. This will give you the permanent rewards you can share with other saves (in gold text).

Here’s what an expedition looks like.

Each phase has a “rendezvous” associated with it which is another star system you have to get to and find a specific point of interest. This is very much like any mission you may have gotten in the normal game that involved a location. You will get an approximate location (make sure you have selected the milestone you want so it shows up) and when you get there, your scanner will help you narrow down the location.

Usually the rendezvous is in a place that helps you accomplish the milestones that are in the same phase. So if you need eggs from some creature, for example, they will be available either on the same planet as the rendezvous from the same phase or nearby.

Ultimately, when you finish the whole series of phases, you get a final phase that’s just a free “you did all the things” to complete the expedition and claim the final prizes.

Why should you do it?

Expeditions aren’t for everyone, but the rewards are pretty compelling. They’re often things like a ship or freighter or companion that is unique and may even make some of the regular game a bit easier.

You claim your prizes on other saves by going to the Quicksilver vendor in the Space Anomaly. If you don’t know what that is yet, keep going and you’ll get there. It’s pretty early in the main game. Once you get there, you will find a merchant close to where your ship lands who has a “claim expedition rewards” dialogue option.

Can I do it with friends?

Absolutely! Having shared goals on the same planets makes it really easy to share the experience with others.

Is this a PVP thing?

Players can attack other players if you have PVP turned on. Obviously with expeditions happening in the same systems, this is a big deal, but you can turn off PVP at any time. Just go to the settings in Options -> Network and turn off “Allow PVP with…” if that’s not your jam. Keep in mind that this is reset for each new save, so you will want to do this as the start of a new expedition.

When is the next one?

There are a series of shorter expeditions happening right now. Check out: https://www.nomanssky.com/2022/11/holiday-2022-expeditions/

submitted by /u/Tyler_Zoro
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Credits Cap Ideas

Credits Cap Ideas

Are there any new worthwhile ways to get the max credits back down by purchasing items? I’m finally at the cap and find that not being able to sell items is a downer.

I’ve thought of buying ships to scrap but that seems wasteful. I could imagine it as a business loss in game though.

I wish we could donate items to some kind of product slot machine or massive project. I stopped selling my lucrative items a long while ago to postpone this issue.

submitted by /u/Randaximus
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What Do I Do? (Etiquette Help Please)

I just started the game two days ago. No clue what I’m doing. I just made it to the place you can go to tp to community highlights. Anyway, so I’m in what appears to be to me as some actual other person’s star system (a community highlight base, it’s very nice!). Dude discovered it like 2 years ago per the discovery tab. Anyway, I’m exploring his digs, land at what I thought was another of his/her/their bases and the game starts telling me about a distress signal at what seems to be some sort of village and I’m needing to respond/react. Am I messing up this person’s system? How do I back out? I don’t want to trash one of his 5 planets with my noobie chaos….

submitted by /u/anyeharmnone
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My son left us far too soon, even before I could share my passion for video games with him. I spent months, and I finally found him a little piece of heaven. forever submitted by /u/Federal_Gur_5875 [link] [comments]

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