NMS HOT POST 2024/02/1

Does it make sense to keep and repair an S Tier ship I found?

Hi Im 12 hours into the game and Im having a blast so far.

I followed a distress signal and found an S tier ship – I think, I got lucky here anyway.

This is my starting ship and This is the ship Ive found

I would get about 9Mio units for the new ship. Ive seen crazy ships on the Nexus, but comparing the stats to my current ship, It kinda makes sense to keep it, doesnt it?

Can you help me without spoiling too much? 🙂

submitted by /u/Ciruz
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


Don't COMPLETE This Game

I’ve seen with the 4.0 update and now the redux expeditions, along with quite a few posts that a lot of players are stressed about what they HAVE to get or do.

Don’t be a completionist. You don’t need the “best” freighter, ship, multi tool, or anything else. Just do what you want. Get the first freighter that’s free of it looks cool to you. Use a subpar multi tool because it does what you need. Build a lame 4 room base. It’s OK.

This whole game revolves around a story of repeated failing simulations in which the actions of those within really don’t matter. That gives you the freedom to do whatever you want. Don’t hamper your fun with obsessively reloading saves to get the “right” ship or freighter, just get what you want. Don’t stress about missing out on an expedition, all the rewards are pixels on a screen.

This isn’t against the completionist players or the min-maxers. If that’s what you WANT to do, I just see too many posts of people asking if they should do this or that, and you need to know this-

In a universe of infinite possibilities, all of them are correct. Have fun – don’t complete goals.

submitted by /u/Falas-Balar
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So uh... The first free freighter....

So uh... The first free freighter....

It’s supposed to be an S-class right? 😅

I still haven’t clicked the claim button because I’m still sort of in shock. I went through the dog fight event, checked out the freighter and was a B-class, but I had to shut off the game. I didn’t realize it didn’t save. When I reverted the save and did it again, the RNG seemed to have blessed me with a S Capital ship after the single accidental save scum.

I haven’t been playing that long and don’t fully understand what I’m looking at as far as quality. How good is she as freighters go?

submitted by /u/Aquafoot
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