NMS HOT POST 2024/02/10

PSA: "Omega" does not necessarily mean "the end". Don’t assume anything about the frequency of future NMS updates!

This seems to come up in every thread about Expedition 12: Omega, the upcoming expedition and update that is currently in beta for PC players who want to test it out. Streamers have little else to do but speculate and spoil, so perhaps some of the anxiety comes from watching them, too.

There are separate teams for Hello Games projects. This happened with The Last Campfire – NMS continued to be updated both during its development and after its release. There's no reason to think Light No Fire, despite being visually and possibly plot-wise more connected to NMS, is going to "take away" from NMS development and updates. "Omega" has meanings other than "the end" – the symbol is used in many ways in science and math. And does anything ever really end in No Man's Sky, anyway?

Honestly, I don't think anything other than the announcement of a direct sequel to NMS would be reason to be worried. But in that case, we'd be looking forward to a whole new chapter in the same universe anyway!

submitted by /u/writeorelse
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit



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