
Getting started and making friends along the way

Getting started and making friends along the way

“One step for a man are two steps for a Gek”

Just recently got into the game and having a blast!

Started my first settlement, got into pet hunting (currently working on a Space Bee like creature), plopped my first mineral extractor down and farming some sweet copper which I traded on the anomaly for a void egg with a sketchy fellow. Not sure what it does since I try to avoid spoilers but hey…. it said egg so I gotta have it! Landing pad back at the settlement got blocked by a S-Class Ship…. so I bought it, any name suggestions?

Met an other traveller on the anomaly who gifted me with a robotic creature egg after I showed my bee pet. Communicated through basic gestures….. hope he understood how grateful I am. You are part of my story now. Can’t wait to return the favor once my bee matures and starts laying eggs.

So yeah it’s going well…. bit afraid to die again from getting stuck with my ship against a building but I’m confident I got it this time. Taking it slow…. ½ step at a time.

submitted by /u/Lopsided-Rooster2657
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Printing infinite Nanites with Runaway Mold

Printing infinite Nanites with Runaway Mold

I just recently learned this after 110 hours and I wanted to share it with the people who struggle with scraping up Nanites. In no time, you can produce as many Nanites as you can process. – find yourself a nice world, mild weather, friendly creatures, passive sentinels. I found a very nice paradise planet in Eissentam. – land and start walking in one direction. Keep checking your surroundings with your scanner. At some point you will find your first curious deposit (Runaway Mold). Jackpot. Set up a base. – secure the deposit: usually they grow on hillsides so you want to use some wood prefabs to build a funnel for easier harvesting. Find maybe one more deposit and repeat, you don’t need more.

The best part is: the Runaway Mold respawns IMMEDIATELY after you left the immediate area. That means you can travel back and forth between two deposits and keep harvesting continuously. Set up as many medium refiners as you can (medium refiners are perfect since they don’t need power/fuel) and start printing Nanites! Enjoy!

submitted by /u/Skorobar
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