NMS HOT POST 2021/01/27

While the game is great, I would like to see the addition of less abstract concepts, like intergalactic corporations and companies etc

The game as of now focuses too much on abstract stuff, like the meaning of life, and simulations, and ancient artifacts and free will etc etc. Those are great, but I truly miss the feeling of, you know, trivial daily alien life stuff, like huge corporations with names that make the weapons, the exocrafts, the exosuits, the spaceships, the space stations etc. It could be one of each race, or maybe more.

Cargo pods lost in planets from transports from said companies, kiosks and small outposts from them, and even huge buildings like the colossal archives with neon signposts and shops and missions agents that have to do with the corporations.

I don't think it's impossible at all to happen, since it mostly revolves around text based info, some logos stuck on top of weapons and spaceships, and remodeling of existing assets. Also the story could introduce them gradually, and update to update they become huge.

I love this game, but sometimes it feels TOO philosophical and empty for its own good. I would love to have some real life stuff that we can relate to as well.

submitted by /u/EdajimaHeihachi
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


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