
What's something you wish you knew when you started?

I’ve been playing for about a week. I played a lot when NMS first came out, and a bit after, but there’s sooooooo much new stuff now.

I see lots of people talking about discoveries, building, ships, etc after they’ve logged hundreds of hours.

So now that you’re hundreds of hours into the game, what is something you wish you had known, or done, when you first started?

submitted by /u/GoodShark
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It's done! Kinda.

2 days ago I made a post about how I should build my mountain base. After some trial and error and the amazing ideas from the last post, the base is looking very good imo. The only thing that I have to do is the interior. If you guys got any suge…

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How many bases do you have? Really though?

I have developed the habit of constantly building bases on any planet that interests me, even a little bit. I almost never return to most of them, except to avoid lengthy travel or to harvest a resource when I can’t find enough in trade. I think I have twenty-five or more bases now. Should I delete them and try to just keep one base? How many bases do you have and/or use regularly? Edit: autocorrect

submitted by /u/oblex1312
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