NMS HOT POST 2021/05/3

PSA: You can Report offensive system / planet names within Discoveries menu

Please report this stuff when you see it. Don't rely on someone else to do it, it's as easy as holding a button for 3 seconds in the Discoveries menu and confirming.

Look, I'm not saying go report YEE YEE ASS HAIRCUT but if a system has an obviously offensive name, don't wait around for someone else to find it. I just reported a system with an obviously pro-Hitler / white supremacist reference and, frankly, we as a community should not put up with that crap.

I would love to introduce the young members of my family to this game some day but I hesitate when I see stuff like this.

submitted by /u/Just_Roar
[link] [comments]

Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


Freighter Spawn Help

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