NMS HOT POST 2021/05/4

Unpopular opinion: Griefing groups shine a spotlight on an aspect of No Mans Sky that has gone underdeveloped and ignored, and open discussion about it should not be discouraged by the community.

This is an unpopular opinion by me. It's OK if you don't agree. Please be civil in the comments. Also I'm on mobile so apologies for any strange formatting.

TLDR: We should not actively ignore griefers, we should instead think and talk about why and how bases are getting griefed, and how Hello Games could implement systems to better prevent it in the future.

The problem: Popular and iconic bases within player groups are getting griefed because of an exploit. Defending your base is next to impossible due to the way PVP and base building is currently implemented.

Possible solutions:

"Captian Obvious: Bug Fixes!": Make it known to Hello Games that the base griefing exploit is a real and tangible issue that needs to be addressed as soon as possible. Build permissions should be set to OWNER ONLY by default to help noob players.

"Sorry, we're closed!": Allow Base Owners to "Lockdown" their base, preventing any players from entering "locked" doors. Exiting should still be possible to avoid players getting locked in cages, another form of griefing. One way doors? "Emergency escape" hatch?

"Sorry, no multi-tool building allowed inside!": For larger or "tourism" based builds, allow base owners to place "zones" where your Multi Tool Build Menu is inaccessible (Pressing up on the D-pad doesn't open anything), like in Space Stations or the Anomaly, and building anything is impossible. Basically like a spectator mode but you can still mine rocks if you need resources. This one does not prevent the Terrain Manipulator grief, maybe disable the terrain manipulator while in range too? I dunno!

"PVP overhaul or update": Personally, I don't want fully realized PvP in NMS. It leads to toxic behavior and bullying in sandbox games like this. (Think ARK survival evolved alpha clans for example). Instead have PVP damage disabled by default, and allow players to enable it if they want to duke it out for fun with their friends.

Do you have any ideas? Please share them below. Remember this is a discussion thread, please keep it civil. Thank you for reading!

a meme I made to try to keep things light hearted

submitted by /u/LubedUpDeepDishCunt
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


Is griefing/trapping possible?

Did I get griefed?


I joined a Nexus mission to kill monstrosities, one other person initialised it, so I got transported to one of their systems.

We left off to one of their systems, where they had a base.

As soon as I landed, it weirded me out because it was an extremely violennt heat planet with heat storms & volcanos. Not the best place to build a base.

I couldn’t properly locate the facility where the eggs where, so it took me a while. I ended up following the mission leader to a spot with 2 landing pads and a short range teleporter. He pointed me there, basically, and I thought he was about to help me (having built a base at the facility maybe).

When I stepped in I teleported into an area full of either landing pads or flooring (couldn’t tell properly), with the other end of the short range teleporter having no power, and me taking extreme heat damage (I saw it was very high up, might have been the top of a vulcano?).

Next thing is I died, and was back at the nexus.

I’m a very new player, what happened?

  • TL;DR: Did someone built a one way short range teleport and grief me by baiting a nexus mission?

Edit: Spelling.

submitted by /u/Husonaut90
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My hopes for the next non sentinel content

My hopes for the next non sentinel content

So one of the most neglected thing in the game lorewise as well as content wise in general are the Biological Horrors. For something that seems to spread to every planet as well as escape into freighters effectively killing all life aboard, we don’t have all that much new content for them.

My hopes (unbelievable wishful thinking) is that HG takes the time to expand on the biohorrors the same way they did sentinels. Imagine a world taken over by the Bio horrors! Buildings and such with eggs scattered around and slime fleshy webbing on everything.

This can also be added to caves much like the xenomorph cave in Aliens. Caves don’t have a ton of use other than cobalt farming atm, so adding Bio Horror eggs at least gives more reason to go spelunking!

Another idea would be fauna on Bio Horror consumed planets. Maybe add some new proc-gen into fauna build pools that have Bio Horror growths onto them! This seems like a good way to spice up fauna collecting and hunting.

The final thing could be the Bio horrors themselves. It would be really cool to give these mobs some new enemy types. Obviously we would need a Bio Horror Queen! Maybe a larger Mantis as the second strongest then some smol Swarming exploding types.

(I’m also begging HG to give us a new customization set that is being slowly growing Bio Horror webbing and flesh onto it. A fleshy cape would be sweet too!)

Let me know what you guys think!

submitted by /u/Forsaken_Ad_475
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Will they/do they repeat older expeditions again?

Played NMS when it first came out, wasn’t impressed given the hype, dripped in and out, blah blah blah,

Only to dive headlong into the game last year while recovering from a partial tear of the ol achilles tendon.

The grind was real, toally worth it, and I’m reaping the rewards, but gosh darn it, I would LOVE to get my hands on some of the past expedition loot.

submitted by /u/Mukables
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