
The ONE thing that REALLY stands out?

I’d love to say exploring, discovering, combat, or story….. I can’t though… You know what it is? Orientation means SHIT in space! What does EVERY. SINGLE. space movie/show have in common? In space, up is up and down is down. I NMS, when you warp into a galaxy or into space from a planet, ships are all different orientation. It’s such a little thing that makes the biggest difference….. What about you guys? What’s the ONE thing that stands out?

submitted by /u/PublicVermin
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I think I lost EVERYTHING

This has happened at least twice. The first time I had to pull sync data from the cloud to be able to play again. It disabled auto sync so now my backup file loads into this white screen also. I can’t get past it. I can’t push buttons I can’t hea…

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