NMS HOT POST 2021/07/5

Havnt played since 2019 and man….

Living ships? – jfc I'm getting farscape flashbacks. The clock reset trick didn't work so I'm.waiting 4 days for this damn quest. And reading a bit further you endn up getting a series of glyphs for the final part? I havnt even beat the main story yet?

Mounts? The hell did I miss? I couldn't figure out why people had bubbles with a rocket pack on them like some mr bubbles meets predator meets Boba fett thing.

I can't believe the differences that are in the game. Since when have there been giant dune-esque sand worms in the game? The goddamn thing was probably 3 times the width of my spaceship, and flipped me over, onky to see him go off into the distance.

And booiiiiiii if you saw my face when the first random ass anomaly showed up in flight. Not even the giant ass skulls, the weird ass other ones. One was a GIANT FUCKING BRAIN.

I FEEL LIKE A COMPLETE NOOB. But thats good. 10/10 will play again.

submitted by /u/incorrect_wolverine
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


One thing that continually drives me nuts... a rant

Why is it when you land your ship it absolutely SLAMS into the ground? Do the landing gears not have any shock absorption? Even the new Starborn Runner with some sort of levitation still slams down every time you land. I noticed it the VERY first time I landed and after almost 2000 hours it still aggravates me. The personal trade rocket has a nice soft touch down so it can’t be that difficult.

submitted by /u/Murky-Substance-7393
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What are you currently working towards in No Man's Sky?

I find myself a little aimless playing thesedays with all quests finished and after getting all the units and upgrades I wanted. I’m wondering how you guys are playing the game and where you are finding the most fun. Are you working on building a specific base idea? Collecting quicksilver or nanites? Beating up sentinels? Exploring new systems for paradise planets?

I’ve been mostly looking for paradise planets that look nice from space and on the ground itself, and with no night cycle. Using the freighter and just constantly warping and using the freighter’s planet scanner to check the planets. It does get old after awhile, though.

submitted by /u/idratherlurk
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I am absolutely blown away by how good this runs on Switch

I’ve got about 2000 hours between Xbox and PC. I bought the Switch version on launch and it was so-so. I mean I didn’t really expect MUCH in the way of performance.

Must have been one of the recent updates, but holy HELL how did the developers do this!? Between game engine optimization and the raw talent of the HG team, I am beside myself.

I don’t want to reach too deep into my pocket full of dreams but I hope Light No Fire comes to Switch as well. I was literally about to sell my OLED last week until I fired up NMS again.

submitted by /u/WoodenTeef
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