Gas giants, and how they would add to the game.

You exit the jump, and see a massive Gas Planet right there, you decide to fly to it, as you get a warning -=WARNING GAS GIANT DETECTED=-

Gas giants do not have solid ground, you can’t build structures, you can’t fly into them due to the weather being more extreme then the most extreme planets out there, but, there is something to use them for.

Your fraighter arrives in orbit of the Gas Giant, you can then deploy an Orbital platform, which you can build on in orbit of the Gas Giant.

On that platform, you can build as normal, however, it also comes with a massive vacume. This vacume can pull gasses from the Gas giant, and convert it into energy into Battries, which can power anything.

So, the only use for Gas giants would be making batteries? Well, what if I were to tell you that, while your ship can’t with-stand the pressure and extreme weathers of the Gas Giant, an exo-craft can?

I would like to show you all the Gas-Giant-Exocraft-Explore-9000! Or what ever for a name.

It would be a mulity-player exo-craft, able to fly though the gasses of a Gas Giant! One player to fly, one player for weapons, one player to manage power levels, and the player to caption it! but, is there really anything to do inside a Gas Giant?

Riches, Out own jupiter has rocks flying into it all the time. Gas Giants would be a resource dream! If, you can survive.

submitted by /u/Beard_Of_Borg
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