Might be an intended feature, but is very much a pain: Being unable to remove Communication Stations...

I had placed a Communications Station at my base, and realized that it was placed in such a way that it would trigger nearly constantly whenever I was nearby, and went to remove it, except I couldn’t. It is stuck there. And now, being that I live on the capital world of Galactic Hub’s Eissentam branch, a few people have also put some communication stations of their own next to it, resulting in even more annoying clicks, text on the screen, and general clutter around my base (which really sucks being that I planned on renovating soon.)

There should be a way to remove ones own communication stations at the very least, and some way to remove other player’s ones built in the area of your base. Its a major pain to deal with.

I have considered moving to a better location anyways, but this kind of forced my hand. I don’t want to have to deal with one mistake permanently cluttering up my base in the future.

submitted by /u/VentralRaptor24
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