No Man's Sky rekindled my love for video games <3

Not sure if this is allowed here, and it marks my first ever reddit post, so here goes.

I’m 27, and was getting to that point where I thought I might be ‘growing out’ of videogames. I had a fairly mainstream taste and was getting to the point where games like Rocket League and COD were causing more frustration that enjoyment, and I figured maybe it was time to put the controller down for good.

Then I picked up NMS after not enjoying it too much on first release. I didn’t hate it, I just put it down one day and then forgot to ever pick it back up… I started playing again about a year ago and realised that it’s almost meditative. The ability to spend hours and days on a build, knowing that no one will ever see it, like creating art in the sand for it to be washed away by the waves. It was tough at times, but always rewarding, and always just … nice to play.

The big turning point was the first time I came across a ‘community’ (I dont know if it has an official name) for a quest, and I found message bubbles from players all across the world giving helpful tips, leaving directions, saying friendly hello’s, and just marking that they were here. In the infinite expanse, they had been here and left their mark, and I had found it. I realised that though there was some beauty in the isolation, the real pleasure was in finding the community. A community that thrives on loving the game, and helping others get full enjoyment out of it.

Now I’ve found the reddit page, and I can see a hundred users make a thousand things. Infinite travellers making infinite things that I will never visit, except for this community world where you leave your mark saying ‘I was here’.

This game and this page has rekindled my love for video games, and constantly expands my love for this game. So I guess I just wanted to say thank you /16/

submitted by /u/VodkaMargerine
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