(SPOILERS) Anyone else think the main quest for NMS is weirdly emotional?

I just got the game and completed the main Artemis line of quests, and…it’s strange, but I haven’t felt this emotional about a game for a while.

Primarily Artemis herself. Her story just seems so incredibly tragic to me, and the decision you have to make regarding her fate is downright heart-wrenching. Combine that with the fact that if you make the decision, everyone is supportive of you rather than having the typical “some agree, some call you a monster” split.

Even the ending is pretty emotional. Warping from system to system to get to the center of the galaxy, while having your friends contact you along the way to say goodbye, not knowing how long you have left. All leading up to the ultimate decision of whether you erase it all or just let it ride and see how long you have.

I dunno. Maybe it just hit me harder than most, but the Artemis quest line just has an emotional weight and atmosphere to it that I haven’t found in many games before.

submitted by /u/BlackBeltBeta
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