Love this community

I think NMS has one of the least toxic gaming communities out there. I’ve just started playing the game and have only logged about 20 hours but have had so much help from the seasoned veterans of the game. Just wanted to thank the creators and the play…

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Please Hello Games! Please add left handed support in VR!

It is so strange to me. Why are left handed people most of the time not even an after thought? There are so many VR games I can’t play, because of it and most of the times these games don’t make it clear if they have one, right up until you buy them. Left handed support in VR should always be on the VR checklist.

Sorry for my little rant. :/

submitted by /u/Catapultatoe
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The community in this game is the least toxic I've ever experienced.

I was on the Anomaly spending some salvaged data at construction research when I saw someone jump in front of me and wave. I thought it was cute so I backed out of the menu and waved back to them. Then they just transferred me: 65 salvaged data, and 15 stasis devices… and then left. I had to give them a “nope” so they’d stop transferring me stuff lmao
I’m only 60 hours in, and I’m pretty sure this is one of my favorite games now. So thanks, Hello Games, and the NMS community.

submitted by /u/beefsalad17
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