Please Support HelloGamesTube

I’ve read a lot of posts over the years about people wanting to support Hello Games more. For instance, many people have suggested that they create merchandise to sell. An easy way to do this would be to watch their YouTube channel:


I’m pretty sure their videos are monetised, so this is an easy way to help them. Making their channel more popular too wouldn’t hurt. It also kind of bugs me when other channels that upload trailers get more views than Hello Games, although I understand it’s good for publicity. Thanks for reading guys, and here’s to looking forward to the VR update!

submitted by /u/InCraigible119
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This game is going to be horrifying in VR.

Imagine landing on an atmosphereless planet, all alone to mine some nice blue jet fuel, when all of the sudden you accidentally hit one of those damned eggs. Those fucking creatures are probably going to give me a heart attack the first time they jump at me.

And how about those six meter tall dickheads who just lunge at you out of nowhere? Diplos are about to be the most feared creatures in the universe. Or maybe those swimming eyeballs in the oceans, those are going to be creepy as shit too!

Damn, I’m excited. If No Man’s Sky Online is as big as I’m thinking it to be, I can’t wait to pull up to the Galactic Hub, surrounded by players and trading with them. Taking tours inside of their homes and freighters, looking at their best ships, their farms.

I hope it runs perfectly, and I hope it doesnt crash much upon release. I really can’t wait for Beyond!

submitted by /u/MistorKAKA
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