
My No Man's Sky wish list

  1. Multiplayer fleets/freighters. It’d be great if you and whatever friends you were playing with could all summon your freighters into the same system. This would add to the idea that a planet was a home planet for a group

  2. Along the same lines but if I Jump into a system and a freighter battle is happening – let me summon my freighter to defend me and potentially the other freighter

  3. Settlements are a start but let them expand to sprawling cities or where settlements are started allow cities to start to grow out of them.

  4. Race homeworlds- we have 4 races and none of them have a home planet? Do they do all of their construction of the starships and freighters they pilot from other starships and freighters?

  5. Along the same lines again but if a race is the dominant race in a system let them populate the planets in that system. Id love to explore AI citites/settlements populated by Gek.

  6. Remnants left of the old racist geks who just want to destroy everything and take over everything. Now that we have freighter battles you could easily implement this but instead of pirates its the order of the first spawn intent on destroying the other races

  7. Now that we have freighters intent on destroying freighters add orbital bombardment as a possibility for settlement issues

  8. The high conflict systems should feel like high conflict systems whether that means you jump in and fleets are firing on each other or you jump in and all of a sudden fighters just fly overhead and are blasting each other

  9. I know it’s probably never going to happen but ship/freighter building. I understand the ship hunting mechanic is huge in the game but adding an element for it would be pretty cool…especially now that we have been able to build a staff and a mechanical body.

  10. Melee weapons because sometimes you just need to get up close and personal with the enemy or they just get too up close and personal with you. You could make this a sidearm of a multi tool or its own multitool.

  11. Desert planets. We have scorched planets so why not desert?

  12. Multiplayer cities/settlements – allow multiple player bases to be seen and allow multiple players to build cities together to make sprawling cities or even city worlds. I know this could cause rendering issues but there should be a way to do this right?

  13. Space station ownership/construction – I know they added an element to this with the nexus but let us have our own space stations in planets and make money off of products bought/sold in them

  14. Player run economies – I’m not saying the whole economy should be player run but allow players to buy and sell to each other through an exchange of some sort whether that means setting up their own shop or through the previously mentioned constructed space station

I love no mans sky as a game and I will continue to play it but I think adding some of these elements will make the game more immersive

submitted by /u/swtorguy121
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PSA: Don't choose to transfer your base when claiming a pirate freighter (at least on Switch)

I play on Switch and this might be a Switch-specific bug, but wanted to post a warning to others just in case: I spent 20+ hours over a couple of weeks save-scumming for an S class pirate freighter. After dozens of space battles and a disheartening number of C classes, I finally found an S class. I went up to the captain to claim the ship, elected to transfer the base from my current freighter to my sweet new S class pirate freighter…and the game crashed. Restore point and autosave were from prior to defeating the freighter and it had changed to a C class when I reloaded and tried again.

It was pretty damn devastating…

So I dismantled my current freighter base and as a test I tried claiming the next pirate freighter I encountered (C class…of course), and sure enough I had no problem when I chose to claim the freighter and said “no” to transferring my existing base.

Like I said, maybe it’s only a Switch problem but pretty horrible if you encounter it. Especially since my base isn’t all that special so if I knew the bug existed, I gladly would’ve ditched my existing base.

Importantly in my test I accidentally left a couple materials from dismantling my freighter base in the core freighter storage, so I got an additional warning about the freighter inventory before the base transfer question. So out of paranoia I’m leaving 1 carbon in my freighter inventory so the next time I find an S class, I’ll be replicating the exact scenario where it didn’t crash. But my guess is the inventory warning doesn’t matter.

FWIW I have reported the bug on ZenDesk, not the most critical bug but pretty frustrating for people in my situation.

submitted by /u/TriforksWarrior
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Credits Cap Ideas

Credits Cap Ideas

Are there any new worthwhile ways to get the max credits back down by purchasing items? I’m finally at the cap and find that not being able to sell items is a downer.

I’ve thought of buying ships to scrap but that seems wasteful. I could imagine it as a business loss in game though.

I wish we could donate items to some kind of product slot machine or massive project. I stopped selling my lucrative items a long while ago to postpone this issue.

submitted by /u/Randaximus
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What Do I Do? (Etiquette Help Please)

I just started the game two days ago. No clue what I’m doing. I just made it to the place you can go to tp to community highlights. Anyway, so I’m in what appears to be to me as some actual other person’s star system (a community highlight base, it’s very nice!). Dude discovered it like 2 years ago per the discovery tab. Anyway, I’m exploring his digs, land at what I thought was another of his/her/their bases and the game starts telling me about a distress signal at what seems to be some sort of village and I’m needing to respond/react. Am I messing up this person’s system? How do I back out? I don’t want to trash one of his 5 planets with my noobie chaos….

submitted by /u/anyeharmnone
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My son left us far too soon, even before I could share my passion for video games with him. I spent months, and I finally found him a little piece of heaven. forever submitted by /u/Federal_Gur_5875 [link] [comments]

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