
How to deal with Sentinels

I apologize if this is a question asked a million times before and if I should delete the post just let me know where to ask my question. I searched and looked around and couldn’t find a proper place but reddit isn’t the best place to search things.

I am not a brand brand new player (around 80 hours) but still have a lot to go in a lot of things in the game. One thing that already puzzled me in my first playthrough and it’s doing so again is sentinels. The first time around I mostly just avoided anything that has to do with them but now I am trying to explore the game a bit more.

  • How do you deal with these things? If I get targeted by them I just get swarmed with endless waves and even if I manage to fly out to space the same thing repeats with interceptors until I slowly manage to make my way back to the space station. Is there any way to make the waves stop?

  • Sometimes they just stare at me but sometimes they go immediately aggro. What’s triggering them? I am not completely sure.

  • If they aggro me, should I not kill them to avoid reinforcements / stronger sentinels arriving me?

Thanks everyone!

Edit: Thanks everyone for the detailed and kind answers!! Safe travels

submitted by /u/notsoobviousreddit
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Freighter Spawn Help

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